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Garcia’s ‘Cyber-Bully Bill’ to be heard in Assembly Committee Wednesday

California State Assembly Member Cristina Garcia in a visit to Los Cerritos Community Newspaper in 2012.  Randy Economy Photo

California State Assembly Member Cristina Garcia in a visit to Los Cerritos Community Newspaper in 2012. Randy Economy Photo

By Brian Hews

(Sacramento) –  Artesia area Assembly Member Cristina Garcia will have a key test on Wednesday with a proposed piece of legislation that targets student cyber bullying,

Garcia, who represents the 58th Assembly District will bring Assembly Bill 256, up for hearing before the Assembly Education Committee.

English: Seal of the California State Assembly

English: Seal of the California State Assembly (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In a statement to members of the media on Tuesday late afternoon, Garcia touted her proposed law as a critical update to current California state laws that deal with bullying.  The bill targets to close loopholes dealing with student cyber bullying – including harassment using smartphones, text, computers and social media platforms, Garcia spokesman Tim Riordan told Los Cerritos Community Newspaper.

“Current law does not provide that a student who bullies will be suspended or expelled for their behavior, unless the act is related to a school activity or school attendance,” Garcia said.

Garcia, a former mathematics teacher, introduced her legislation as a result of the abuse and the damage to students she has seen as a result of bullying and the escalation to cyber-bullying, through the use of instant communication made possible by the explosive growth of electronic devices.

“Since AB 256 was introduced in January, many highly publicized cases of cyber-bullying have been reported nationally with tragic consequences, including the recent suicide of Saratoga high school student, Audrie Pott,” she said in a statement.

The Assembly Education Committee will convene at 1:30pm, Room 126, in the State Capitol.

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