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Cerritos College Honors 50 Top Graduating Scholars

By Brian Hews

Cerritos College has named 50 graduates as members of the Scholars’ Honors Program during a ceremony this past Monday.

SHP Director Timothy Juntilla, who is a member of the college’s faculty served as  master of ceremonies.

“Students have received acceptances to four-year schools including CSUs, UCs, USC, Cornell, University of Michigan, University of Texas — Austin and various other universities.” said Juntilla.

Each of the graduates received bronze medallions for completing the full SHP curriculum of five honors courses while maintaining a 3.0 grade point average in transferable courses.

As the ceremony concluded, Juntilla announced the winners of the first annual Carole Cole Memorial Honors Scholarship and seventh annual Juntilla SHP Scholarship. Mayra Cortes received the Carole Cole Memorial Honors Scholarship. Sujin No and Zanjbeel Mahmood each received a $500 Juntilla SHP Scholarship.

Those graduating from the program were Mohammad M. Abbas, Whitney Akabike, Azfar Alam, Mohammad A. Anaim, Jennifer Arenas, Nallely Badillo-Cholico, Marvin Ceballos, Julius Andrew Chua, Marcos Contreras, Mayra Cortes, Allison Covington, Israel Cruz, Simone Evangelista, Ariel Gomez, Joyti Gore, Walter Guerrero, Jan Pauline Gumasing, Hannah Hinton, Grace Ji. Lacie Johnson, Chesong Lee, Vannaren Long, Zanjbeel Mahmood, Vanessa Maldonado,Lanisha Mason, Nancy Morones, Su Kyung No, Sujin No, Neke Nsor, Miriam Oliveros, Jaymie Padero, Shivani Patel, Brian Pena Rivera, Amanda Perez, John Victor Perez, Lisbeth Perez, Daphne Alexandra Real, Anirudh Sajwan, Saara Salehi, Scott Simpson, Christopher Skorka, Sothy Sok, Janet Song, Cierra Sorin, Billy Taing, Jose Torres, James Trazo, Bhavi Trivedi, Syed Zaidi and Jannatara Zaman.

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