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May 17 Los Cerritos Community News E-edition

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  • McMahon, J. says:

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    Agree, we need some new district lines, BOTH SCHOOL DISTRICT AND COUNCILS. Location, location, location, is #1 in both real estate and voting!

    Premier thought, districts will only work, if the lines are known beforehand. Will the southern district be drawn at following streets:
    • Centralia Blvd.
    • Del Amo Blvd.
    • 195th Street
    Southern district has 3 distinct cities, which share different} Economic, Social, degree of registered voters and Demographic values. Trustees can not be blind by this data!!
    • Long Beach Strip
    • East Lakewood Wedge
    • Hawaiian Gardens.
    Interviewed some residents from East Lakewood and Long Beach Strip; as neither city wants to be hurdled with Hawaiian Gardens, AKA: SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Look at the data, HG has less then 250 voters, along with HG being majority rental housing, along with commercial strip zoning. Both ELW and LB are primarily residential districts.

    Data: Immigrant status of HG residents and students; banned from holding DMV License and can not own cars. This is a major player in voting and active participation in ABC Trustees and residents can not afford cable franchise fees to view ABC on TV.

    Let’s dig deeper in to the subject. Government is controlling more and more of our day to day aspects of living. Government is monitoring our day; mandatory 24/7 ((via SMART DEVICES)); property owners being disciplined for spending money by:
    • Taxes,
    • Permits,
    • Licensing
    • Fines.
    • Citations
    • Penalties
    • Origination fees for zone, ordinances, public art.
    • Gun Control
    • Pot Control
    • Passing of Props, only to be void in court.
    • Marriage rite laws.
    • Violations
    • Late Fees
    • Mandatory utility meters w/no data of the medical fallout for wellness.
    • GPS tracking and maps.
    • HMO Ins controlling our medical issues.
    • Sweeps- stings.

    Our national, state and city government are in command of turning us (on/ off), at their power, not ours. Wake up call, the public has allowed our government to turn more socialistic and walking the pathways to national COMMUNISTIC GOVERNMENT. We are seeing this in ABC and college boards.

    Southern district needs elected trustees, or Cerritos Trustees will remain in power. Hava no data of the long term data, how an imaginary line will create many tiers between the Southern and Northern Districts, as the southern section will not only effect schools but the hood relationships.