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Cerritos Sheriff’s Station Weekly Crime Summary for May 20-26

Note: Los Cerritos Community Newspaper Group would like to thank the Cerritos Sheriff’s Department for providing this information about crimes here in our community for the past week.

32 Part I felony crimes were reported to the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station last week after two consecutive weeks of 22. Robberies and vehicle burglaries were up, residential and “other structure”/commercial burglaries remained the same while vehicle thefts decreased. Patrol personnel handled 355 calls for service, up from 204 the week before. This increase can be attributed to the Memorial Day weekend and that calls for service traditionally increase in the late spring-summer months and around the Holiday Season. The current 2013 weekly average in calls for service is 288.

One attempted robbery was investigated. On Thursday May 23 at 2:55 p.m. a male suspect grabbed a deposit bag from the victim in the 18700 block of Gridley Road. The two struggled and the suspect ultimately fled without the property.

Six residential burglaries were logged for the second week in a row. Open/unlocked doors or windows were the entry points in three, two doors were kicked in and one window was shattered. Laptop computers, cell phones, jewelry, documents and a handgun were taken. The 2013 weekly average in residential burglaries remained at 5.1.

Six “other structure”/commercial burglaries were again reported. Three fitness center lockers were breached where wallets, keys and cell phones were stolen. One storage unit had a lock cut and a TV, cash and video games removed. A cell tower was targeted for copper wire and a detached garage with an open door resulted in the theft of a pressure washer. The 2013 weekly average in “other structure”/commercial burglaries is 2.9.

Vehicle burglaries were up from two to five last week. High-volume commercial parking lots were the crime scenes in only two. Four of the vehicles were SUVs. Stolen property included tools, purses, wallets, a briefcase, a stereo unit and a battery. The new 2013 weekly average in vehicle burglaries is 8.0.

Vehicle thefts dropped from six to four last week. Three vehicles were taken from high-volume commercial parking lots. Three were SUVs and one was a Toyota. The 2013 weekly average in vehicle thefts is now 3.8.

Go to for an extensive library of crime prevention tips, disaster preparedness information, and a variety of links to other pertinent sites.

Volunteers on Patrol Wanted

The Cerritos Sheriff’s Station is seeking Volunteers on Patrol (VOPs). Patrolling the City in distinctly marked vehicles, VOPs assist with crime suppression, traffic control, vacation checks, special events and park security checks. They serve as additional “eyes and ears” for the Sheriff’s Department and train as first responders in the event of a major emergency or disaster.  If you are interested in helping Cerritos maintain its reputation as a safe place to live and work, the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station encourages you to apply to be a VOP.  For more information, contact the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station at (562) 860-0044, or visit the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station to obtain an application.

Block Captains Wanted

If you are interested in becoming a Block Captain in the Cerritos Neighborhood Watch, contact the Community Safety office at 562-916-1266.Block Captains act as contacts for the Sheriff’s Department and the Community Safety Division on behalf of their neighbors.  They are also responsible for distributing information and do a great deal to promote public safety in Cerritos.

Remember, informed citizens who use safe living strategies are safer citizens! We encourage residents, business owners, and their employees to consider joining the Virtual Block Club (VBC).  If you are interested in helping our Sheriff’s Department prevent and reduce crime, and enhancing your own personal and neighborhood safety, join the VBC on-line at our website devoted to public safety in the City of Cerritos.  We encourage you to share the information with your family, friends, and co-workers. Go to to sign up.

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  • michelle says:

    stay informed…Six residential burglaries were logged for the second week in a row.