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Senator Calderon’s Longtime Chief of Staff Rocky Rushing Resigns




Two weeks after the FBI raided the offices of state Sen. Ronald Calderon, officials confirmed Friday there has been a staff shakeup.

Rocky Rushing, Calderon’s longtime chief of staff, said Friday that he decided to leave the office for another assignment with the state Senate.

“I requested to be transferred from Senator Calderon’s office and the request was granted,” Rushing said.

“I look forward to continuing my career of public service with the Legislature.”

The loss of his chief of staff is but the latest setback for Calderon, a Democrat from Montebello, whose offices were raided June 4 by FBI agents who carted off boxes of documents as part of a public corruption probe.

Federal authorities have also issued subpoenaes requiring other state officials, including Sen. Kevin de Leon (D-Los Angeles) to testify as witnesses before a grand jury in Los Angeles.

Rushing has declined to comment on the investigation and whether he has been issued a subpoena.

Mario Beltran, a spokesman for Calderon, declined comment on Rushing’s departure, citing personnel rules.

Former state Sen. Tom Hayden, who employed Rushing as a legislative aide in the past, said he has confidence in Rushing.

“It’s his boss that is facing big problems,” Hayden said. “Without any knowledge of the charges, I’m sure that Rocky had nothing to do with it. If you are saying he is no longer on that payroll, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

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  • Mark Hylland says:


    Is there a CONnection between this Mario Beltran (Calderon Spokesman) and this Mario Beltran?

  • Famous Amos says:

    Yes, Ron Calderon’s spokesman Mario Beltran is the same drunken former Bell Garden’s City Councilman Mario Beltran who played hide the salami with a working girl in a sleazy downtown motel a couple of years back and then proceeded to try to stiff her again by not paying her (obvioulsy because he was loaded his first “stiffing” didn’t take?). Of course like any trained professional, the classy lady proceeded to kick his tiny latin butt and pocket his polished LA County Sheriff’s Badge as payment in full.

    Then, of course like any ethical elected official, Betran promptly filed a police report that he “lost” his badge. Opps, not true. He was subsequently prosecuted for filing a fraudulent police report and perjury! Nice:) Well just where do you go from there??

    Senator Ron Calderon’s State Senate office, that’s where..

    But let’s also not forget that Central Basin’s current Public Affairs Manager Joseph Legaspi also came from a Calderon state office. Yep, he worked for Assemblyman Chuck Calderon before the “team” felt they needed another trusted “insider” inside of Central Basin.

    And how about Gil Cedillo Jr.? Paid $115,000 a year as Central Basin’s Business Development Manager! Wow, a guy who needed a college degree to hold the position but didn”t possess one? No problemo dude, all Central Basin had to do was PAY his FULL college tuition and expenses for him. NO S-IT people! I guess his former job as District Director former Assemblyman Ron Calderon didn’t have enough perks! What? Cedillo worked for a Calderon too?? Where does this end?

    But did I forget to mention that Cedillo Jr. FIRED current Central Basin Director Bob Apodaca when he worked for Calderon? What? Yes, Apodaca worked for two different Calderon’s in his days (Ron and Tom). Holy S-IT! They were all breed by the Calderon political corruption machine.

    Boy this was fun. Think the manufactures of RAID can make a spray strong enough for these nuclear strenght Calderon cockroaches?