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13 Second Video of Wilshire Police Ambush Suspect Released By LAPD

By Brian Hews

A 13 second video showing a possible suspect in an ambush-style assault on two members of the Los Angeles Police Department at the Wilshire Transit Center on Tuesday has been released to members of the media and public on Wednesday via several social media outlets.

Image representing YouTube as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

During a press conference, Police Chief Charlie Beck showed a photo of a black male suspect, 30 to 35 years old, who appeared to be walking with an object in his hand near the scene of the attack.  Beck said that the man “is a danger to the public” and urged anyone with information about the crime to come forward as soon as possible.

The video footage shows the alleged suspect moments after the confrontation on the opposite side of Venice Boulevard, opposite of the Wilshire Transportation Station walking at a brisk pace.

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Beck said the suspect can be seen on video footage. The LAPD has placed the footage on several social media sites including Facebook, You Tube and has even sent out “Tweets” about the footage in order to get wide public visibility.

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