Part I felony investigations dropped from 22 the previous week to 15 last week. Commercial burglaries increased and residential burglaries remained the same. Robberies, vehicle burglaries and vehicle thefts dropped. There were 267 calls for service handled by patrol personnel, down from 343 the previous reporting period. The 2013 weekly average in calls for service is now 297.
One robbery case was investigated. A male victim was walking in the 13100 block of Bigelow Street on Thursday June 20 at 8:10 p.m. when he was pushed to the ground by two male suspects and robbed of his cash and cell phone. Both suspects fled on skateboards.
Residential burglaries remained the same at one last week. A sliding glass door was forced open and a TV was taken. The 2013 weekly average in residential burglaries is currently 5.0.
“Other structure”/commercial burglaries rose from one to four last week. Two fitness center lockers were targeted and items taken were ID, cash and jewelry. Two closed businesses were also burglarized and copper wire was the loss.
The 2013 weekly average in “other structure”/commercial burglaries is 2.9.
Vehicle burglaries dropped from seven to two. Both of the recent crimes were in high-volume commercial parking lots. Third row seats were taken from an SUV and a stereo from a sedan. The new 2013 weekly average in vehicle burglaries is 7.5.
Vehicle thefts were down from four to two last week. Two Hondas were stolen from high-volume commercial parking lots. The 2013 weekly average in vehicle thefts is now 3.7.
Go to for an extensive library of crime prevention tips, disaster preparedness information, and a variety of links to other pertinent sites.
Opportunities Volunteers on Patrol Wanted: The Cerritos Sheriff’s Station is seeking Volunteers on Patrol (VOPs). Patrolling the City in distinctly marked vehicles, VOPs assist with crime suppression, traffic control, vacation checks, special events and park security checks. They serve as additional “eyes and ears” for the Sheriff’s Department and train as first responders in the event of a major emergency or disaster.
If you are interested in helping Cerritos maintain its reputation as a safe place to live and work, the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station encourages you to apply to be a VOP. For more information, contact the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station at (562) 860-0044, or visit the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station to obtain an application.
Block Captains Wanted: If you are interested in becoming a Block Captain in the Cerritos Neighborhood Watch, contact the Community Safety office at 562-916-1266.Block Captains act as contacts for the Sheriff’s Department and the Community Safety Division on behalf of their neighbors. They are also responsible for distributing information and do a great deal to promote public safety in Cerritos.
Remember, informed citizens who use safe living strategies are safer citizens! We encourage residents, business owners, and their employees to consider joining the Virtual Block Club (VBC). If you are interested in helping our Sheriff’s Department prevent and reduce crime, and enhancing your own personal and neighborhood safety, join the VBC on-line at our website devoted to public safety in the City of Cerritos. We encourage you to share the information with your family, friends, and co-workers. Go to to sign up.
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