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Pacifica Services Employees Removed From Central Basin Property

By Brian Hews and Brian Hews

(Commerce) ~ Officials at the Central Basin Municipal Water District have cut ties with Pasadena based Pacifica Services this past Monday just three days after Hews Media Group-Community News revealed that the private company had made in excess of $5 million during the past six years in consulting contracts with the engulfed agency.

Sources tell LCCN that at least four contract employees with Pacifica Services were escorted out of the Central Basin headquarters on Washington Boulevard in Commerce on Monday by a private security detail.

The security detail could be seen carrying boxes of the four Pacifica Services employees “personal belongings” to their individual vehicles to a gated enclosed parking lot.

Pacifica Services is owned by Ernest Camacho who is one of the biggest political contributors to elected members of the Central Basin Board of Directors for the past decade.

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  • Harvey Levin says:

    The State needs to take over all of California’s water delivery functions. Unlike electricity and natural gas, water is a unique necessity that cannot be replace with another source and it needs to be managed with a statewide approach. There cannot be a “us vs. them” mentality where one area screws the other.

    Without question, Central Basin Municipal Water has squandered millions and millions and from what we’re ready, these clowns at Pacifica are complete scam artists. I hope they are not immune from prosecution while trying to blame the elected officials for being fools by over paying them. It takes two to tango and let’s face it, $50,000 in cash donations to “persuade” generous contracts should be illegal.