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Garcetti Taps Jan Perry, Doane Liu, Rich Llewellyn To Key Top Slots At LA City Hall

Eric Garcetti

Eric Garcetti (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti today announced the appointment of former Councilmember Jan Perry as Interim Director of the Economic Development Department, Doane Liu as Deputy Mayor of City Services, and Rich Llewellyn as Counsel to the Mayor.

“I’m excited that Jan Perry and I will be working closely together on getting people back to work and helping businesses open and grow,” Mayor Garcetti said. “Jan’s work in revitalizing Downtown and South Park exemplify the kind of leadership and expertise we need to turn this department into a true economic engine for our city.”

“Mayor Garcetti and I share a passion for revitalizing neighborhoods and improving the quality of life for all Angelenos,” Perry said. “I am excited to support the Mayor’s vision to put Angelenos to work and to make it clear that Los Angeles is open for business.”

Garcetti and Perry led dramatic turnarounds of neighborhoods including Hollywood, Silver Lake, Echo Park, Downtown and South Park. Their work improved both the quality of life for residents and dramatic economic gains. They also worked closely to create the DWP ratepayer advocate and on Proposition O, the nation’s largest local water initiative, which supported dramatic infrastructure repair, the restoration of wetlands in South L.A. and the restoration of Echo Park and Lake.

Doane Liu was Chief of Staff to Councilmember Joe Buscaino and previously served as Chief of Staff for Councilmember Janice Hahn, Deputy Mayor for Mayor James K. Hahn, and District Director for Congressmember Jane Harman. As Deputy Mayor of City Services, he will oversee the City Departments that directly impact our neighborhoods, such as DWP, Recreation & Parks, Transportation, and Department of Public Works.

Rich Llewellyn was most recently Chief of Staff to Councilmember Paul Koretz. He was Eric Garcetti’s first Council Chief of Staff and was Special Counsel to District Attorney Gil Garcetti. He was also Chief Deputy City Attorney under Rock Delgadillo and served as Senior Deputy to L.A. County Supervisor Ed Edleman. He will continue as Transition Director and as Counsel will provide legal advice and serve as a senior advisor to the Mayor on a host of issues.

Mayor Garcetti also announced the following staff appointments:

Kelli Bernard, Interim Chief of Economic Development
Bernard is Director of Economic Development with the Department of Water & Power and previously served as Director of Planning and Economic Development for Councilmember Eric Garcetti and as a senior business development representative for Mayor Richard Riordan. She also worked with Genesis LA, Lee Andrews Group, and the Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation.

Stephen Cheung, Director of International Trade
Cheung is Director of International Development for the Port of Los Angeles and previously served as Managing Director of International Trade and Clean Technology for Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa.

Eileen Decker, Interim Deputy Mayor for Public Safety
Decker was a federal prosecutor and Chief of the National Security Section for the Office of the United States Attorney for the Central District of California before becoming Deputy Mayor for Homeland Security and Public Safety for Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa in 2009.

Borja Leon, Director of Transportation
Leon joined the administration of Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa in 2005 and served as Deputy Mayor of Transportation from 2011 – 2013. A civil engineer by training, he’s also worked for the California Department of Transportation and AECOM.

Martha Preciado, Director of Scheduling
Preciado previously served as Director of Scheduling for Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, overseeing the Mayor’s day to day and long term schedule as well as special projects and events.

Heather Repenning, Director of External Affairs
Repenning has more than ten years of experience working in local government with Mayor Eric Garcetti’s former Council Office in both the District Office and in City Hall. She also served as the Political Director on his Mayoral campaign. As Director of External Affairs, she will oversee the intergovernmental and legislative affairs unit as well as the community and constituent services team.

Yusef Robb, Director of Communications
Robb has served in the offices of then-Councilmember Eric Garcetti, Mayor James K. Hahn, Governor Gray Davis, and Controller Steve Westly. He also has extensive campaign and private-sector communications experience.

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