Former GM Dave Hill fired and escorted from building.
By Brian Hews and Randy Economy
Friday August 23, 4:04 p.m.
Hews Media Group – Community Newspaper has obtained exclusive documents that detail an orchestrated collaboration between former Central Basin Municipal Water District General Manager Art Aguilar, former Interim GM Dave Hill and Ernie Camacho, CEO of Pacifica Services that show contracts being altered that were never approved by the Directors at CBMWD.
The besieged public agency is the focus of a massive criminal probe by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
HMG-CN has also obtained email exchanges between Hill, Camacho, his son Michael Camacho, and Pacifica Vice President Mike Sission dating back several years that graphically outlines how the private consulting firm leveraged its political clout at the agency outside of the public glare.
It is believed that the new documents obtained and published by HMG-CN on Friday are not part of the current FBI investigation that has already resulted in several search warrants being executed at CBMWD, and at the offices of California State Senator Ronald Calderon in Sacramento.
HMG-CN was also told that Hill was fired late Friday afternoon and was physically escorted from his office by CBMWD security officials.
Hill, a controversial figure at the agency, actively solicited financial assistance from the Camacho’s and Pacifica Services for a campaign he waged for a seat on the Cucamonga Valley Water District a few years ago.
Pacifica Services and the CBMWD are now suing each other in Los Angeles County Superior Court on allegations ranging from contract fraud to negligence.
HMG-CN has also been told that CBMWD officials will amend its lawsuit against Pacifica Services and will now name Aguilar as being part of the complaint.
The documents obtained and published by HMG-CN outline how Camacho and Aguilar interfaced via company emails and graphically display how the “pay to play” scheme between the agency and Pacifica Services was conducted.
Pacifica Services billed Central Basin over $5 million in services since 2007.
Click here for the documents in PDF format.
Copyright. Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper. August 23, 2013. All Rights Reserved. Republishing Granted With Proper Attribution.
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Wow, the smoking gun in black & white! That last email between Mike “show me the money” Sisson and Dave “kickback” Hill says it all. It makes it PERFECTLY clear that Hill & Sisson KNEW that Pacifica’s contract was running low on funds and needed a Board authorized reload. In other words, Hill, who was Central Basin’s person in charge of Pacifica’s contract KNEW Pacifica was billing with NO FUNDING AVAILABLE.
More importantly, it shows that PACIFCA knew that their funding balance was depleting. I think it’s time for Pacifica to “settle” the Central Basin lawsuit and for Sisson and Hill to make a plea in court for bribery and malfeasance. And as for Art Aguilar, his alterations to Board approved actions is absolute fraud. Obviously he did this in exchange for …..something? Or maybe he was just a nice guy and really like Ernie and Mike? Yeah, right!
Both Aguilar and Hill deserve to have their pensions forfeited once they are found guilty. Now let’s get down to payoffs to Bob Apodaca, James Roybal and Leticia Vasquez!! Somebody will cave and my money is on that cocky sleaze ball Mike Sisson.
Mike SISSON is going to jail! I’m ordering a big cake for all our employees to enjoy on Monday and we’ll cut it in Mike’s old office! This guy truly believed he’d never get caught. Mr. Big Shot telling everyone that “I’m a Vice President at Pacifica” while bragging about all the money he made while doing nothing but smoking cigarettes. I hope he saved his money cause I hear cigarettes are expensive in the slammer:)
Looks who’s still here Mike while you’re headed to jail!
What sad commentaries from Ron Beilke ,Miss Tyson and all the other illiterates, future jail bound Directors and ex-cons! They really don’t have a clue between truth and fiction, only hope that somehow their pitiful lives will get better by showing their stupidity!
Reeks of desperation Mikey Sisson:)