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August 30 Los Cerritos Community News E-Newspaper

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  • McMahon, J. says:

    Sunday, September 01, 2013

    Ghost Reporting by City of Cerritos.

    Cerritos watchdog citing department, PPC (Property Preservation Commission) hearings are televised monthly; but no visuals, so TV viewers are not educated nor informed of the agenda topics being discussed. No educational values in broadcasting citations with no photographs, etc.

    Annual Cerritos CWP (City Wide Pride) Contest winners were advertised in the Sept 2013, The Cerritos Newsletter, via USPO distribution. Again only one (1) winning photo, followed by list of winning names and addresses. The city spends thousands of dollars to sponsor this program and has zero education value to the residents, if no photographs of the winners are posted and advertised throughout the community. Photographs will aid in education to all of the residents, how to better improve their properties.

    Great chance for the local news reporting agencies to publish CWP photographs over the next upcoming year:
    1. Los Cerritos Community News
    3. Register- Long Beach Edition
    4. Long Beach Press Telegram Newspaper