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Lakewood Approves New Rules on E-Cigs, Vaporizers

English: Two electronic cigarette models. Self...

English: Two electronic cigarette models. Self-taken photograph by Equazcion. From top down: 1. RN4072 (full size “pen style”), fully assembled 2. RN4072 spare battery 3. CT-M401, fully assembled 4. CT-M401 spare battery (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By Rico Dizon

The Lakewood City Council has approved an ordinance that will regulate the use of electronic cigarette and vaporizers in the same footing as the state’s existing regulations on tobacco use with no smoking in restaurants and public buildings.

Before the adoption of the new ordinance, Lakewood City Attorney Steve Skolink reminded the City Council, “We need to hold more public hearings.”

Council Member Ron Piazza added, “Besides the public hearings, we should also continue to reach out to more people in various businesses and restaurants.”

Vice Mayor Todd Rogers, rationalized the need for said regulations on e-cigarettes and similar devices by saying, “unfortunately, we live in a discourteous world where people are not always considerate of other fellows’ safety and concerns.”

Rogers is the same council member who asked the city staff headed by Community Development Director Sonia Southwell to make zoning recommendation regarding the sale and use of said products during the previous City Council meeting on Oct. 8.

At the early part of the meeting, the City Council heard at least three residents spoke their opinions regarding the electronic cigarettes and vaporizers. One was an e-cigarette shop owner who said, “I have tried several ways to stop smoking such as the patch and gum but to no avail. However, I found the e-cigarette very effective and I have now totally quit smoking.”

Another speaker from the public said that he believes “the tobacco companies are also behind the introduction and sale of e-cigarettes and that the ingredients for the vaporizers have actually been approved by the FDA.”


Public concerns and the need for regulations on electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are fast catching up with the City of Cerritos reportedly scheduled to approve a 45-day moratorium on the sale of e-cigarettes and similar devices while considering regulations for the same during the City Council regular meeting on Thursday, Oct. 24.

The City of Seal Beach has an on-going moratorium on the sale of the products.

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