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Joseph Gatto Murder: Assemblyman Mike Gatto ‘Devastated’ Over Father’s Slaying

Joseph Gatto

Assemblyman Mike Gatto, center, is seen with his father, Joseph Gatto, who was found shot to death Wednesday at his Silver Lake home. Facebook Photo

Police are investigating the murder of Joseph Gatto, the father of California State Assemblyman Mike Gatto who was shot and killed inside of his Silverlake home.

Joseph Gatto, 78,  was found dead at about 8:15 p.m. on Thursday evening at his home in the 2800 block of Bright Lane in the popular quite hilly enclave located north west of Downtown Los Angeles.

Gatto, a devote Catholic who attended daily morning Mass at a local church, was found slumped over at a desk, according to Lt. Richard Parks of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Mike Gatto told a daily newspaper that his sister had gone to the house after she hadn’t heard from their father on Wednesday. The exact time of his death has not been determined pending investigation by both homicide and coroner officials.  The only specific details that have been released about the crime is that the elder Gatto was shot at least once in the abdomen, according to an LAPD spokesperson.

Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper was told by Assemblyman Gatto’s Press Secretary that he was “absolutely devastated.”

Hager told HMG-CN that Joseph Gatto was a retired art teacher and also worked in his retirement as a jewelry craftsman.

“The Assemblyman learned of his death by phone in Sacramento.  He is absolutely devastated,” Hager said.

“The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating, and Assemblyman Gatto thanks them for their kindness and thoroughness,” Hager continued.

Gatto represents the state’s 43rd District, which includes Atwater Village, Burbank, Glendale, Hollywood, Los Feliz, and Silver Lake, and also serves as the Chairman of the Assembly Appropriations Committee.  He was first elected in 2010.

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