December 18, 2013, 11:36 a.m.
Records confirm Roybal is violating procedures and protocol of LAUSD.
By Brian Hews
Hews Media Group-Community News has obtained documents through a public records request that definitively show embattled Central Basin Municipal Water District President James Roybal has been assigned to LAUSD Teacher Jail, formally known as the Education Service Center-East, since February 20, 2013.
The documents, obtained Dec. 12 and Dec. 17 from the LAUSD Office of General Counsel by the newspaper, stated that, “pursuant to California Government code sections 6254 (f) and (k), your request for these documents is being partially denied. This partial denial is based upon a determination that at this time these records are exempt from disclosure.”
The exempt records are presumably for the alleged violations committed by Roybal.
However the last line of the letter indicates that Roybal was “reassigned on February 20, 2013 to the Education Service Center-East.”
HMG-CN obtained an inter-office correspondence letter from the LAUSD that outlines the procedures and protocol during “reassignment.” The document’s letterhead indicates it originated from the Educational Service Center-East confirming that Roybal is in Teacher Jail.
On Wednesday Nov. 13, HMG-CN took a video camera inside the embroiled water district offices in Commerce and confronted Roybal about the situation while he was attending an Administrative Committee Meeting that started at noon.
Roybal was asked if he is enrolled in Teachers Jail and he quickly acknowledged that he goes “to the building” where Teacher’s Jail is held. When pressed further on the subject he quickly ended the interview by saying “this conversation is over.”
HMG-CN confirmed with sources that Roybal has attended at least 50 meetings since February, earning over $25,000 in committee attendance fees.
HMG-CN asked CBMWD Director Leticia Vazquez, who is a teacher and close friend of Roybal to comment but she refused to do so until she confirmed Roybal was at the teacher jail.
Beginning in the mid 90′s, teachers accused of misconduct have been removed from their teaching assignments and held in district offices while administrators and law enforcement agencies investigate allegations.
In a January 15, 2013 televised statement made by LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy, only teachers accused of “egregious acts” are reassigned. They are returned to their classrooms only after being cleared by law enforcement.
The process typically drags on for months, with teachers collecting their full pay – an average of $6,000 a month, plus benefits – until they’re returned to work or fired.
Under written rules, teachers in jail are to check in at a designated location every day for 2 hours and then go back to their home. They are not to seek a second job, take a day trip, or enjoy outside entertainment, such as, going to the movies, sporting events, shopping, etc.
Failure to follow these rules will lead to disciplinary action such as Notice of Unsatisfactory Act, suspension without pay, and/or dismissal from District services.
HMG-CN has made an inquiry to the LAUSD Office of the Inspector General as to whether any action will be taken given the new evidence of Roybal earning the committee attendance fees.
The OIG asked for the documents but would not comment further.
HMG-CN also attempted to contact Roybal, with no response.
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