California State Senate Candidate Dr. Irella Perez
Photos and Article by Tammye McDuff
California State Senate candidate Irella Perez has a lot on her plate this year, as she ramps up her campaign that is now less than six months away. Hews Media Group was invited into the home of Senate hopeful Irella Perez this past December to learn more about her, why she is running for office, her passions, and the importance of civic engagement. Perez and her four children live in a quaint home in Whittier.
Perez is an elementary school Principal; acts as the City’s Culture and Arts Commissioner; a professor and school trustee for the Whittier Unified School District. Perez ardently believes “In the American dream and I believe America can have the best schools in the world once again. But that’s going to take less politics and more attention to people.” Perez is running for the State Senate, focusing on the restructuring of basic values and performance in the public and private school systems.
Hews Media Group [HMG]: Tell me who Irella Perez is?
Irella Perez [IP]: I was born in Nicaragua, and came to America when I was 15. I did not speak a word of the English language. My parents came to America because we wanted to change the course of our lives. We were living in danger, the family was split due to military involvement and for survival reasons and in order to keep the family together, we made the move to this country. I am the youngest of four children. My sister is in the medical field; I have one brother who is a Principal and another brother who is an algebra teacher. I see myself as caretaker of people. My mission is to transform the life of Californians through better education.
Dr. Irella Perez celebrates the Christmas holiday with her four children at their Whittier home. Tammye McDuff Photo.
HMG: Not knowing the language, how did you learn? What schools did you attend?
IP: When we first arrived I went to Chatsworth High School in Los Angeles. After graduation I enrolled in Pasadena City College, then transferred to Cal State Long Beach for my MBA, later going on to USC for my doctorate in early childhood education.
HMG: How do you see yourself transforming the life of Californians?
IP: Through education. This will increase the middle class. It can expand the mind and create new inventors.
HMG: What made you decide to move from education into the political field?
IP: I believe in the power of education. I honestly believe this can change many things. We spend far more money on prisons, while we double the price of a college education. As a Principal I strive to create a safe environment, making sure our budget invests in the children and in parent’s education as well. We need to develop young minds in mathematics and science. If my ideas can improve the schools district locally, then we can do the same in Sacramento. I believe in investing in the human potential.
HMG: In light of so much money being cut all across the board in school districts state wide, how will you restructure the budget for these programs?
IP: It all comes down to priorities. We need to understand that by investing in people we can lower mental health issues and reduce crime. I am not ready to reveal the course of my agenda at the moment; however I will disclose the course of my campaign this month and I think people will be able to focus and support these ideas, It impacts all families, regardless of their level of education; income or political party they align with.
HMG: Are you running as a Republican or Democrat?
IP: I am a Democrat. I am going to listen to the people, they make the candidate. I want to hear from labor groups, from city councils and from the everyday man and woman. I want to represent all people as best as I can. I am just a regular Mom trying to make things better for my family and those families that I represent. I am a Latina-Chinese American woman.
HMG: Being of a crossed heritage and from another country, where do you stand on immigration?
IP: I think it is a very complicated issue. There needs to be much discussion on the topic. I can’t say that all undocumented immigrants should leave, because if I say that, what happens to their children who were born here in the States? This merits discussion. I can’t tell you that I believe we should give them free health care and welfare when we can’t take care of those who were born here. I don’t necessarily want to spend my tax dollars in a haphazard way. When we make decisions for California, it should be in the best interest of all the people.
HMG: What are your top issues that you will be focusing on in your campaign?
IP: As I stated, my mission is to help to transform the lives of Californians through education. Some would say I am running a one issue campaign, and I’m okay with that. I believe in the power of education. It transformed the life of a poor girl from Nicaragua. My life and my expertise and my passion have led me to this point. Next would be the safety of the people. I think we need to deal with national security, with gun control and reducing crime as a major issue. And of course, job security. We need to give the big companies more incentive to stay here in California as opposed to moving out of state to avoid high taxes.
HMG: How will you manage being a single Mother, a job, the multiple boards and projects you chair and now running for Senate?
IP: Never underestimate the power of a woman! When I see a good opportunity, I go for it. When I move up, I want to move people forward with me. I am highly energetic. My children are my priority and I want to put my best foot forward for them, to be a role model for them.
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A single mother with four small children? A woman who cannot stay in a marriage with the father of her four children has her priorities all wrong. This woman needs to stay home and raise her childern right. Why do all these woman feel the need to seek more and more responsibility when they cannot even accomplish a happy home life? I will not support this woman, she should not be running for any position, let alone State Senate! How foolish and selfish.
Why stay home. That is old mentality. She is successful have a career and a dr degree She is a single mother , immigrant and want to do something for her country I will vote for her an can stay home with the kids Perhaps her husband was abusive and ignorant Don’t judge anyone unless you really know that person. And don’t be do negative
Rene you are her number one admirer.
I was shocked to see her posters I worked with her when she was a counselor at Jackie Robinson Academy and she was a bully and over stepped her power with the principal; so much that I tried killing myself and was put in a home because of those two; and she knows what she did was wrong she remembers she was put in a position but she also no compassion or respect; getting written up for using the restroom on work time; clocking in when I was the only one that was demanded to; I was not allowed to wait for my ride after work in front of the school where I be safe she would walk up to me and tell me your off the clock you need to get off campus. I did complain to the union and filed a lawsuit; but I remember her as a bully and mean the funny thing was when she was a teacher and than promoted to counselor I was proud of her and respected her but after what her and the principal Flynn did; I know they are evil bullies I hope one day she remembers and says I was wrong. I will never forget what they did; never. I am older now 61 but will never forget it and all the teachers and staff used to tell me they have it out for you.
Oh great…another “educator” who wants to be a politician and shove even more money at the school system for inflated salaries and pensions. Won’t get my vote.
My god do many ignorant and negativity people. I guess. It’d envy sirs she is single mother, have four children, she is successful, she is Latin and have a doctor degree. I think is pure envy from those people that don’t havre qualities to run for that position. Negative people never accomplish anything. I am proud the she is an immigrant and run for that position. While other people born in this country don’t do anything for this country only talk negativity. I rest my case
My god so many ignorant and negative people. I guess. It’d envy sirs she is single mother, have four children, she is successful, she is Latin and have a doctor degree. I think is pure envy from those people that don’t havre qualities to run for that position. Negative people never accomplish anything. I am proud the she is an immigrant and run for that position. While other people born in this country don’t do anything for this country only talk negativity. I rest my case
Why are you so negative. She probably was married to a man like you full of negativity good fir her. She is doing something good for her and got single mothers and for sour country. Meanwhile we have people that are ignorant that all they do Is critized Girl you have my vote