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Central Basin Water Board President Roybal Removed from Presidency

By Brian Hews
Controversial Central Basin Municipal Water District President James Roybal was removed as President of the five member governing board on Friday during a special meeting.

Directors Phil Hawkins, Robert “Bob”Apodaca, Art Chacon, and Leticia Vasquez voted to remove Roybal.

HNG-CN was told that Roybal was extremely angry and demanded to know how the item got put on the agenda.

GM Tony Perez explained to Roybal that Apodaca met with him, with Chacon and Hawkins meeting later. The three votes allowed it to be put on the agenda .

Roybal has been under intense scrutiny by HMG-CN for the past year with Publisher Brian Hews calling for his resignation in an Editorial several weeks ago.

HMG-CN reported that Roybal, who was elected in 2012, had been enrolled in the controversial program known as “Teacher Jail” by his employer the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Roybal has yet to publicly comment about his participation in “Teacher Jail” publicly.

Roybal is currently under investigation by several agencies including the LAUSD who last week issued a subpoena to Brian Hews, Publisher and Owner of Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper after the publication printed specific documents and details documenting Roybal’s participation in Teacher Jail.

Hews confirmed that he has turned over documents to LAUSD Investigators last week regarding in regards to the subpoena request, but would not disclose the contents of their contents.

Director Phil Hawkins, a former Assemblyman from Cerritos, will be chosen as the new President of the Central Basin Municipal Water Board of Directors to replace Roybal; Apodaca will be VP.




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  • Mike Tyson says:

    The jerk went kicking and screaming. The petulant child inside a disgusting adult male body finally got whtat he deserved, to be humilated in front of staff, industry officials and his peers who never gave him a second look after discarding him like a dirty diaper!

    The king is dead, the dictator has been beheaded. And it couldn’t happen to a worse human being. All of us at Central Basin are so relieved that the know-it-all, do as I say, don’t look me in the eye, bully is finsihed.

    May he NOT rest in peace. May he NEVER have another restful night’s sleep. And may he DRINK himself to death. I know all 19 of us at Central Basin are enjoying our jobs again.

    Go screw yourself Jim!

  • Wayne Carter Sr. says:

    I’m confident this action will bring positive change to Central Basin Water. Mr.Roybal had created noting but controversary at the agency and for his employer, Los Angeles Unified School District. It is apparent that he has very few redeeming qualities and I suspect his removal will be the beginning of his slow demise.