This is Breaking News. A mass shooting is unfolding at Ft. Hood in Texas on Wednesday afternoon.
At least one person has been confirmed dead, and as many as seven to ten other people have been shot, according to media reports. – KCEN HD – Waco, Temple, and Killeen
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Coptic Christians have such a great Uncle Dhimmi gig that only a crook would make a film saying Mahound Sucks? Yes, if you beelvie Obama and network TV. Though to Steve and us it’s the meth cook thing. A while back, when the Egyptian cops leaned on our do-gooder in Cairo, LaHood, Steve thought maybe LaHood was really some kind of agent for the nefarious schemes of US spy people. Maybe, but, I think they hosed him out of habit: he’s a Christian Arab. Christian Arabs had a big role starting the PLO, and in Israel Arabs and Jews mingle socially in the hard left, and the PLO kind of likes to have a Jewish anti-Zionist to keep around and point at. In Egypt? No equivalent. There’s no Uncle Dhimmi role played in Egyptain politics; the Muslims just screw them all. This guy may be an imbecile and a crook, but his movie isn’t unjustified.