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Corruption and Cronyism Surround the West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs


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By Brian Hews

Thursday June 12, 2014, 3:30 pm

It is the dirty little secret that everyone knows about in Brentwood.

The 388-acre property in West Los Angeles/Brentwood was intended to be hallowed ground to honor, protect and rehabilitate untold thousands of military Veterans.

John P. Jones and Arcadia B. de Baker deeded the land to the State of California for the “express use of Vets” in 1888.

However, the Veterans have been abandoned literally on the side of the road along Sunset Boulevard in West Los Angeles fighting a new war that has become heated and volatile.

An investigation by HMG-CN has revealed that cronyism and corruption have filtered up to the highest levels in local, state, and even the federal government, all at the expense of mentally disabled and homeless Veterans in Los Angeles.

Powerful real estate developers and unresponsive government bureaucrats are now strong allies against an army of outspoken critics, almost all of them former military Veterans, who line the streets around the property each weekend, donning protest signs and wearing trademark American military greens.

Welcome to the new normal for thousands of Veterans in Los Angeles as they wage a battle with controversial officials deep within the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration (WLAVA).

Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper has spent countless hours researching records, emails, and other critical documents that outline how political leaders are resorting to the implantation and execution of illegal lease agreements with commercial organizations on its property in Brentwood to keep Veterans out of what is rightfully theirs.

It is a web of some of the most powerful people in the country who are catering to the “Brentwood Elite” in a decades-old effort to keep Veterans “out of Brentwood,” in what one Veteran says is the “biggest land fraud scheme in U.S. history.”

Local and regional media, weekly and daily newspapers, along with LA County Supervisors have ignored the problem for years, not wanting to anger the Brentwood Elite and face the political wrath of the uber-wealthy who reside there.

The only time the politicians got involved with the property was during election years, after which they resorted back to catering to the elite.

Those involved include former VA Secretary Eric Shinseki, California Senator Dianne Feinstein and her billionaire husband Richard Blum, Congressman Henry Waxman, LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, LA County Supervisorial Candidate Bobby Shriver, WLAVA Director Donna M. Beiter and the powerful Brentwood Veterans Park Conservancy.

Sources tell HMG-CN that others are also ignoring the Veteran’s plight, including KFI’s John Kobylt of the John and Ken radio show and Bill Handel who is heard daily on the same station.

The intricate case centers on the 388-acre WLAVA property, which was deeded to the government in 1888 “to be used exclusively by homeless and disabled Veterans.”

Under the deed, anything done on the land should directly benefit Veterans and Veteran’s health, period. Anything else is illegal and a “breach of fiduciary duty.”

But in 2001, WLAVA began leasing land to commercial organizations. These organizations put the donated land to uses that had absolutely nothing to do with providing health benefits to Veterans, a breach of fiduciary duty and an affront to Los Angeles Veterans.

The ACLU finally got wind of this and filed a lawsuit to fight the leases and remove the companies. District Judge John Otero agreed in 2013 that the land, under the 1888 deed, is to be used exclusively by Veterans, and adjudicated the leases in Federal Court as “unauthorized by law and therefore void.”

Otero then entered a Federal Judgment against the Defendants, now-former Secretary of the VA Shinseki and Beiter.

Shockingly, Shinseki and Bieter appealed the judgment using the full force and power of the United States and the Department of Justice. One ACLU lawyer called the appeal “morally and legally indefensible.”

Newly appointed VA Secretary Sloan Gibson is the de-facto party in the lawsuit now, and is allowing the appeal to continue.

And incredibly, some of the companies with leases on the property are riding the coattails of Shinseki/Gibson and fighting the ruling while the media, newspapers, and politicians sit on the sideline and ignore the saga as a matter of political and monetary convenience.

But that is the way it has been since 2001; politicians act to defend the Brentwood Elite and Los Angeles media disregards the story for fear of monetary retribution.

Brentwood Elite Legislation By Feinstein Paves the Way to Lock Out Veterans

In 2006 President Bush wanted to sell the WLAVA land for over $4 billion, which would have directly benefitted Veterans.

Feinstein and Waxman sprung into action and passed legislation preventing the sale or lease of the land. But WLAVA continued to broker agreements, shamelessly calling the agreements “sharing not leasing.”

Enter the Veterans Park Conservancy (VPC), which now operates a 16-acre park on the property, and is an outgrowth of the Brentwood Homeowners Association, boasting some of the wealthiest and politically active people in the state.

Most are major supporters of Feinstein, Waxman, Yaroslavsky, and a host of Brentwood councilmembers.

In 2007 when then-VA Secretary R. James Nicholson placed a one-year termination clause to the VPC 16-acre park lease, Sen. Feinstein wrote a letter on U.S. Senate letterhead on behalf of the VPC asking for the removal of the clause.

See letter click here.Screen Shot 2014-06-12 at 3.22.46 PM

Three months later, lightning speed for any similar government action, Nicholson removed the termination clause and signed a 30-year rent-free “sharing agreement” with the VPC basically giving the VPC a $1 billion property free as a “public park.”

This free public park “gift” rendered the land unavailable for Veterans and VA development, some accusing the VPC of striking the deal to keep Veterans out of Brentwood.

Feinstein, Waxman and Yaroslavsky turned a blind eye and allowed the agreement to be approved.

Incredibly, the park is now padlocked and does not allow Veterans to enter while the WLAVA rents the land out for $1,000 per plate fundraisers. Most of the park is in complete disrepair, with the exception of the $1 million fence built by the VPC to enhance the entrance appeal into Brentwood.

Drivers around the park often see homeless Veterans sleeping outside its gates.


Annenberg Foundation Slams WLAVA Leases

In late 2011, the Metabolic Studio, a direct charitable activity of the Annenberg Foundation, wrote a position paper on the 1888 deed and WLAVA property.

The Annenberg Foundation has been a leader with a proven commitment to Veterans for over half a century.

The paper addressed the breach of trust and the violation of the fiduciary duty of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs with respect to WLAVA.

Metabolic Studio said, “the restrictions imposed under the 1888 Deed created a charitable trust [and the VA must only use] the donated land as a home for Veterans. The VA holds the donated land as a trustee and the VA is not permitted to divert the use of the land.”

See paper click here.

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Earlier in the year, the Annenberg Foundation contributed $1 million to the VPC to build a rose garden at the park.

After learning that the land was exclusively deeded to Veterans, the Annenberg Foundation wrote the VPC telling them to keep the million dollars but to remove their name and make the donation anonymous.


Richard C. Blum and UCLA

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Richard C. Blum was involved with the UC Regents when the UCLA lease was signed. UCLA pays $5,000 per month for 10 acres of prime Brentwood land that is, by rights, to be used only by Veterans.

UCLA, which maintains the Jackie Robinson Stadium for their baseball team, signed a lease in 2001 and pays a paltry $5,000 per month in rent for the 10-acre facility.

Richard C. Blum has been both a Chairman and a Regent of the U.C. Board since the late 1990’s. Blum is a billionaire real estate executive and the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein. He knew the value of the land and knew of the deed of 1888, yet the stadium lease was signed during Blum’s tenure.

The influence of Waxman was again called into question by many Veterans as Waxman attended UCLA, earning a bachelor’s degree in political science and a J.D. degree from UCLA’s law school.

UCLA operates “UCLA,” with a website that boasts, “UCLA has been serving Veterans for nearly 70 years, since the end of World War II.” There are over 20 departments within the organization to assist Veterans, yet the organization somehow chooses to ignore what is going on right across the 405 freeway.

In further blatant disregard and admittedly callous use of words in regards to homeless Veterans in Los Angeles, attorney George F. Soneff with the Los Angeles based law firm Manatt, Phelps, and Phillips representing UCLA wrote, “The Otero judgment (voiding the lease of the stadium) would render UCLA’s championship winning team homeless.”


Brentwood Elite and the Brentwood Private School

Sitting just north of the Jackie Robinson Stadium is the elite Brentwood Private School. Reportedly costing $30,000 per year in tuition, the school claims some of the wealthiest parents and alumni in the nation. Most children of the Brentwood Elite attend Brentwood School.

The school occupies 27 acres of the property, its rental payments a miniscule $25,000 per month or $300,000 annually. A comparable annual rental in the area would run into the tens of millions of dollars.

In 2001, using its “new enhanced leasing (sharing) agreement with the WLAVA,” as a selling tool, the school undertook a capital campaign to remodel the campus and added $2 million to the school’s endowment fund.

In 2005 the school built a new Student Learning Center, and in 2008 the school finished the Caruso Watt Aquatics Center.

Shockingly, the entire 27 acres is padlocked and off limit to Veterans and the $2 million sits in the endowment fund, not one dime of the money spent to help Veterans.


Bobby Shriver and KFI Radio

In his run for LA County Supervisor, Bobby Shriver proclaims himself as a savior for the Veterans, claiming he has “helped Veterans in Los Angeles for his entire career.”

But sources tell HMG-CN that Shriver is very involved with the Brentwood Private School, ignoring the plight of the Veterans in Los Angeles.

Sources also tell HMG-CN that John Kobylt of the John and Ken show on KFI, along with Bill Handel who has a morning show on KFI, are very involved with the school.

Conveniently, neither Kobylt nor Handle has talked on-air about the deed issue or the leasing agreemnts on the WLAVA property.


20th Century FOX’s ‘Friend’ at the WLAVA Gives Them a Break

20th Century Fox (FOX) has a lease with the WLAVA to store its sets and use the land for location shoots, shutting Veterans out of another 10 acres of land on the property. As one lawyer put it, “and the lease usage has what to do with helping Veterans?”

On August 27, 2007, a FOX location manager sent a letter out entitled “We have a friend at the VA,” boasting the “great site rental agreement” we have with the WLAVA and how it “will substantially cut our production costs.”

See memo click here.

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FOX seizes every opportunity to investigate and report on any VA allegation that has surfaced.

That is, with the exception of what has been going on at the WLAVA property for the past decade.

FOX is one of Waxman’s biggest supporters.


WLAVA Executive Director Donna M. Bieter and the Governor’s Mansion

WLAVA Exec Dir. Donna Beiter lives rent free in the Governor's Mansion on the VA property.

WLAVA Exec Dir. Donna Beiter lives rent free in the Governor’s Mansion on the VA property. She has allowed the leasing agreements for several years.


WLAVA Executive Director Donna M. Beiter recently testified in front of Congress saying, “GLA has implemented new innovative strategies in the area of eliminating Veterans’ homelessness (in Los Angeles). We continue to target the most chronically homeless Veterans with a focus on getting the most vulnerable Veterans off the streets and into permanent housing.”

Beiter failed to mention that she lives rent-free on a perfectly manicured 22-acre “Governor’s Mansion” on the WLAVA property earning over $250,000 per year and in direct in sight of homeless Veterans sleeping on the street in front of the Veterans Park Conservancy’s Park.

She also failed to mention she was party to the ongoing lawsuit that allowed the DOJ to appeal the 2013 ruling by Otero.

It was revealed this past week that the VA hospital she oversees has the longest wait time in California, 56 days, to see a Veteran patient.

LA County Supervisors Drag Feet

On January 8, 2014, the LA County Veteran Affairs Committee was briefed on Judge Otero’s 2013 ruling voiding the leases. The VAC unanimously agreed with Otero’s ruling and sent a letter to current LA County Board of Supervisor Chair Don Knabe on March 14,2014 calling on Knabe to write a letter of support for the ruling to the Department of Justice.

See letter click here.

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To date, no letter has been sent to the Department of Justice by the Supervisors.

And the onslaught on the judgment voiding the leases-and the veterans-continues.


Shameless Appeal by UCLA and Brentwood

After the August 2013 ruling to void the leases, UCLA filed it is Motion on September 23 and Brentwood followed suit October 3, 2013. The court ruled on the Motions October 21, 2013.

In their arguments, UCLA and Brentwood abandoned the other organizations with leases at the WLAVA, describing how their agreements “provide health-care benefits to veterans.”

The court was quick to point out that allowing veterans to occasionally play on the Jackie Robinson field does not substantiate the claim of providing health-care benefits to Veterans.

Otero was angry at the motion that Brentwood School helps Veterans since no Veterans are allowed on the property.

Otero was then compelled to allow a motion for the “limited purpose of appealing,” that is, removing the case from Otero’s court and taking it to a higher court.

The limited purpose of appealing “is allowed even after a final judgment… where it is necessary to preserve some right which cannot otherwise be protected.”

UCLA and Brentwood filed the appeal to the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth District one week later, with the earliest court date expected to be August of this year.


Appeal Could Take Years…

ACLU attorney Mark Rosenbaum told HMG-CN, “the case will be heard by a three judge panel by August at the earliest. It could then be heard “En Banc,” by the entire eleven judges which could take months, and could even get up to the US Supreme Court.”

Meanwhile, homeless, disabled and mentally ill men and women who fought for the United States of America sit and wait for closure, some sleeping right outside the park created for them and in the shadow of the WLAVA Executive Director’s 22-acre Governor’s Mansion.

One veteran said, “to treat veterans like this is tragic. For no one to act and fight to have the lawsuit dismissed is a travesty and slap in the face to all Veterans. This is the biggest human and land fraud scandal in the history of the United States and no one is doing anything about it.”

[email protected]


  • FLFF says:

    What does anyone expect from dyed in the wool libturd useless democraps? They will SCREW everyone for a buck and think NOTHING of it!

  • Emma Sherwood says:

    A lot of verbiage with incorrect information. Shriver sued the City of LA & won in order to help house & care for our local homeless Veterans. Who are your “sources” — his opposing candidate’s campaign manager? Shriver will continue to FIGHT for our local Veterans.

    • Robert Rosebrock says:

      Emma, you claim “Shriver sued the City of LA & won in order to help house & care for local homeless Veterans.”

      Huh? Won what?

      LA is and has been our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans for decades. Why would he sue the City of LA instead of the VA which is what this story is all about?

      While the ACLU was defending Veterans against the VA for violating their Constitutional Right to Free Speech, the ACLU was also suing the City of Santa Monica where Mr. Shriver was a member of the city council and mayor for abusing and mistreating the homeless, including homeless Veterans.

      Rest assured the “sources” to this story could be virtually any U.S. Military Veteran, including anyone whose photo does not appear in this article or whose name is not on the Federal Judgment.

      This major story has been suppressed by the major media for a long, long time. Thanks to Hews Media Group for stepping up and doing the work of the LA Times.

      And anyone else who would have the family wealth and political connections of Mr. Shriver would have resolved this problem a long, long time ago.

      Please tell us how Mr. Shriver will continue to FIGHT for our local Veterans and how long must disabled homeless Veterans wait until he “wins?”

  • gilman says:

    Keep digging. Keep telling the story. Keep calling out those involved.

  • Robert Rosebrock says:

    Emma, you claim “Shriver sued the City of LA & won in order to help house & care for local homeless Veterans.”

    Huh? Won what?

    LA is and has been our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans for decades. Why would he sue the City of LA instead of the VA which is what this story is all about?

    While the ACLU was defending Veterans against the VA for violating their Constitutional Right to Free Speech, the ACLU was also suing the City of Santa Monica where Mr. Shriver was a member of the city council and mayor for abusing and mistreating the homeless, including homeless Veterans.

    Rest assured the “sources” to this story could be virtually any U.S. Military Veteran, including anyone whose photo does not appear in this article or whose name is not on the Federal Judgment.

    This major story has been suppressed by the major media for a long,long time. Thanks to Hews Media Group for stepping up and doing the work of the LA Times.

    And anyone else who would have the family wealth and political connections of Mr. Shriver would have resolved this problem a long, long time ago.

    Please tell us how Mr. Shriver will continue to FIGHT for our local Veterans and how long must disabled homeless Veterans wait until he “wins?”

    • Emma Sherwood says:

      Robert, this is public information. If you have to ask, then you didn’t investigate your extensive verbiage either.

      • Robert Rosebrock says:


        What is the “public information” you refer to?

        Bobby Shriver’s political campaign verbiage or certified “public record?” Big difference.

        I can assure you my knowledge and research is not verbiage but well documented and founded facts.

        I’m not running for public office like Mr. Shriver and am beholden only to the Truth and my fellow Veterans who are disabled and homeless and belong on these sacred grounds and not warehoused in slum neighborhoods.

        Mr. Shriver wants to rehab 70-year old rat-infested VA buildings that have been vacant for decades. They need to be torn down and a new Veterans Home built. Where’s Mr. Shriver’s BIG vision for Veterans?

        Mr. Shriver, who is not a Veteran, has overstepped his boundaries as a SM city councilman and a LA supervisor wannabe — talking a big story about fighting for homeless Veterans.

        After all these years of purpoted fighting, LA is still the capital for homeless Veterans. That’s a public record.

        Mr. Shriver is campaigning on the same hoax that got him elected to SM city council — instead, the ACLU filed a lawsuit against SM for abusing and mistreating the homeless.

        Thanks for opening a big can of worms when it comes to Mr. Shriver’s claim to be “fighting for vets” as he likes to say — it’s time that it gets exposed and any time he wants to publicly debate this, I’m ready along with plenty other Veterans waiting for the opporutnity.

  • August says:

    The VA jam-packing the homeless veterans in prison-like HELL-HOLE shelters is not housing the veterans….IT’S TORTURING & WAREHOUSING THEM!

  • Fred Shonk says:

    The proper use of 388 acres of property in the L.A. area of Southern California that was given to the State of California to honor and help military Veterans should never have to be discussed. That property should always be used for that purpous and continually be upgraded to accomodate any changing needs.

    There should not be one homeless veteran anywhere in the United States. All citizens in Southern California should be very upset and angry about what is going on with this location. Stand up for our Veterans..!!!!

  • I’m hoping the authors will retract immediately incorrect information in this article about Bill Handel on KFI-AM 640.

    In the article Bill is accused of ‘ignoring’ the issue because he is ‘very involved’ with Brentwood Private School.

    Bill does not live in Brentwood, nor have his daughters EVER attended Brentwood Private School. So, he has no connection whatsoever to the school.

    In addition, this is the FIRST we are hearing of this issue. The authors did not attempt to contact us via phone or email to ask that the issue be considered for the show, nor did they call to confirm the information regarding Bill that their ‘sources’ provided. This makes me wonder if any other information in the article is inaccurate.

    Hoping to see that retraction issued ASAP, with Bill’s last name properly spelled.

    We appreciate the article, however, and we’ll definitely be looking into this issue.

    Michelle Kube
    Executive Producer, The Bill Handel Show
    KFI-AM 640

    • Editor’s note: Our sources told us the Handel was involved at Brentwood, they told us 100% sure. And we attempted several phone called to clear channel and was rebuffed because they thought we were a “throw away” newspaper. By the way we only misspelled Handel’s name once and it was at the end of the story, three other spellings were correct including on the front page. We stand by our sources.

      • So, a source says they’re ‘100% sure’ and that’s enough for you to go with without any other confirmation?

        Did you tell this source that Bill’s kids didn’t ever attend Brentwood, nor does he live in the area? Other than that, what could his connection possibly be and even if he did have a connection why that would stop him from discussing the issue if he saw fit to discuss it on the show? A connection to an issue has never stopped us before from confronting an issue head on.

        Also, I’d love to know who you attempted to contact and when? You certainly didn’t attempt to contact me, his producer of 20 years, and my information is available on the website. Not once did I receive a phone call, voice mail or email regarding this story. Neither did Bill.

        Since I’m assuming you keep detailed records of your contacts for stories, I would love to know when you or someone else attempted to contact someone at KFI (not Clear Channel, since the company owns 8 stations in LA, it’s not due diligence to simply call and ask the receptionist) to: present the issue as a possible show topic, to confirm information that your source provided and to confirm that he ‘refused’ to discuss the issue because he was somehow ‘connected’ to the school.

        I, for one, would never refer to you as a ‘throw away newspaper’ we respect all journalists, even ones who occasionally get things wrong.

        Also, in the story directly above these comments, Bill’s name is still spelled wrong 3 times. The only instance in which it’s spelled correctly is in the photo.

        • Editor’s note: We never reported his kids went there, we said he was involved with the school. Also, we were sent a email string where Handel was asked to take this story on the air in 2010. Handel refused. He was again (via email) asked this past May and ignored the request.

        • Michelle Kube says:

          I realize you never said his children went there. The point was if they didn’t go to the school or live in the area, what reason would he have to be connected to the school? I did see the email string you sent back in 2010, I responded to those emails and pitched the story to Bill at the time. For whatever reason, we didn’t cover the story at the time. It could have been we were thinking of doing it and something came up, you know how the business works. Sometimes you have things planned or mean to look further into something and something else gets in your way.

          I did not see the May email, although I am glad to know that someone did try contacting us again on the story. Can’t explain why I didn’t see that except to say we get 400 emails a day, 2000 a week, 8000 a month, etc…sometimes things fall through the cracks.

          We have done many stories about Veteran’s Issues on the air in the last 20 years, so to say he’s ignoring the issue is an unfair statement. When we make an unfair statement on the air, we correct it. I would hope that you do the same.

          And I’m still unclear why neither you or Randy contacted Bill or myself via email or phone prior to the story going to print to get a comment on your ‘sources’ insistence that Bill was ‘connected’ to the story and that’s why he didn’t cover it. That is simply untrue.

          Whether you correct the misinformation or not is up to you, but I would hope that you would at least have the courtesy to answer the question as to why we were never contacted for a comment on your ‘sources’ accusation.

        • Perhaps Ms. Kube could tell us when Bill Handel is going to do a story on the situation at the WLAVA? Especially since it’s now getting more attention than when “For whatever reason” they didn’t cover it in 2010.

  • M c M a h o n says:

    LCCN | Vets Corruption (+)

    Veteran bureaucracy been going on since I can remember, directly following:
    • WW2,
    • Vietnam War,
    • Korean War,
    • Mid East War
    • and this last groups of wars.

    WLA branch is not only culprit, so is the Long Beach Facility, as I know, I bring donations to this facility for the past 2 decades. Most of the above writers, prob. never donated anything to Vets.

    Medical and housing is not the only part of this story, look and investigate the corruption on:
    • VA Loans;
    • VA Owned Properties;
    • Cal Vet. Programs.
    • Vets Life Insurance.
    • Vets Admin. For educational benefits.
    • Vets Job Placement.

    Many local vets want no further ID w/ city Memorial Sculpture for Vets, including Cerritos and Yorba Linda Memorials.

    Many E. Coast religious parishes, have (Free) weekend programs for hospitalized vets, as property owners of church goers, seek wounded Vets in National Hospital, invite and transport wounded Vets home, for weekend of food and hospitality in private residences. Don’t hear anything in greater OC/LA and Cerritos claims to be so dam diversified.

    Cerritos Dairy Valley, home to vacant city owned buildings, which could house Vets.
    1. Mullikan Museum
    2. 166th Partial Corp. Holdings.
    3. Studebaker Pad.

    Least church in Buena Park, is helping homeless vets:

    Many recent Cerritos Bids are coming back with no bidders. LA Co home to 5,000 unemployed Vets, well Cerritos could give jobs to Vets, since no one will bid on some future projects.

    Vets corruption and fallout is felt in all communities, as it never dies and is sleepless.

    40 Yr. Cerritos Resident.

  • Dave says:

    I think Emma should go back to her “stitching and bitching,” in which she is hopefully more knowledgeable than apparently she is about Veterans.

  • WR Kemker says:

    Are any of the tenants on those 9 sites donors or affiliated in any way to the Senator? The rent payments are pennies on the dollar for property in such a prime location.

  • W Robin says:

    Has anyone connected the dots between the companies that rented those 9 parcels for pennies on the dollar and the Senator or other cronies?

  • In the Shadow of the Park says:

    This is an amazing story, thank you for calling attention to the plight of our homeless Vets.

    BOO-HOO-HOO! sorry KFI producer Michelle Kube is disturbed to learn of her crabby-grouchy boss Bill Handel’s involvement. So sick and tired of Handel’s morning dose of crassness while reading the LA Times. His mean talk is the poorest excuse, ever, for reporting on Los Angeles radio.
    Now we know why so many LA drivers are road raging!

    If you agree, I hope you will listen to KABC to get the “real take” on local news, I do and encourage you will to do the same.

  • John Jackson says:

    Brian Hews,…where has this gone? Have you done any further factual followup? I understand the fat cats of Brentwood are still on the property with their schools, dog parks, ampa theater, etc. The court order was evidently ignored. Has anyone pressed a contempt of court complaint?

  • joe says:

    Any update to 30-year rent-free termination clause?