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Cerritos Mayor pro tem Chen Calls ‘Public Meeting’ About ABCUSD Bond Measure, Press ‘Not Invited’  

Embattled Cerritos City Councilwoman Carol Chen.

Cerritos Mayor pro tem Carol Chen called an “urgent meeting to discuss ABCUSD proposed Bond Measure, “so the public can know what is going on.” When HMG-CN asked to attend the meeting, Chen replied, “no press invited guests only.”


By Brian Hews

In a highly unusual move, Cerrito’s Mayor pro tem Carol Chen sent a personal email with addresses obscured from her individual Yahoo email account on Monday June 30 calling an “urgent meeting” to seek input on the proposed ABCUSD $680 million Facilities Master Plan and $235 million Bond Measure.

When asked, Chen indicated she did not want the press at the meeting.

The School Board will be discussing both of these issues at the July 8 meeting and voting on them at the July 15 meeting.

In her email Mayor pro tem Chen said, “given the facts I know of current(ly), if the bond passes it will impact/increase your property tax bill hundreds of dollars annually. ABCUSD School Board members Lynda Johnson and Soo Yoo both have reached out to me to get this information out to the public.”

Chen meeting email

She asked for email recipients “to share their viewpoints with Johnson and Yoo tonight 8 PM at 11306 E. 183rd St., third floor in Cerritos. It is an office building between Big Five Sporting Goods and Sears Automotive.” Sources tell HMG-CN that Chen owns the building.

Chen ended the email by saying I do appreciate your reply by email if you can attend this important meeting.”

Based on the statement by Chen in the email where she said, “I wanted to get this information out to the public,” HMG-CN contacted Chen by email to attend the meeting.

Chen’s terse one-line reply was, “no media, invited guests only.”

Chen replies “no media”

HMG-CN contacted Cerritos City Manager Art Gallucci about the meeting, who said, “the city was not aware of the meeting until you (HMG-CN) emailed the information to me. This is not a city meeting therefore the city will not be participating in any official capacity.”

When HMG-CN contacted ABCUSD Board Member Lynda Johnson about the meeting, she said, “I am attending and will take input from attendees, but I am there as an observer only.

Calls into Soo Yoo were not returned at the time of publication; Carol Chen was one of Yoo’s largest supporters financially and publicly during her successful run for the ABCUSD Board.

One Cerritos resident who wanted to remain anonymous and who sent the email to HMG-CN said, “ I’m guessing she and the city probably doesn’t want it (the Bond Measure) because the city has been wanting to raise water rates and maybe a utility tax. This could cause conflict between the district and city hall. If she’s against it, in my opinion this meeting is an attempt to sabotage funding for schools, while considering taxing residents to pay for council perks and lifetime benefits for her and her colleagues. We rank 46th in the nation in education, this is absolutely wrong, secret meetings are undemocratic.”

 11:44 p.m. UPDATE:

HMG-CN reporters attempted to attend the meeting and was personally turned away by Cerritos Mayor pro tem Carol Chen.

Several other residents of Cerritos wanted to attend the meeting and were also turned away including current Cerritos Commissioner (appointed by Mayor Mark Pulido) Levi Javier and former California Assemblywoman Sally Havice.  Havice made her way into the third floor meeting and was asked to leave Chen’s meeting.

Termed out Cerritos Council-member Bruce Barrows was “allowing” attendees through to the elevator, others were turned away.

Seen entering the meeting were ABCUSD Board Members Lynda Johnson and Soo Yoo. Former Cerritos Mayor Grace Hu was also seen entering the meeting, as was Cerritos Public Safety Committee Member Matt Kauble, Cerritos Republican Club Member Gordon Hom, Joan Plyman, and even former ABC School Board Member Cecy Groom was escorted into the meeting.


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  • Carol Chen doesn’t believe in an open and transparent media. She never has and never will. Remember her trip to Communist China? Need we remind Chen of her past antics?

    Shame on her and anyone else who would attend this ill conceived “meeting.”

    Wake up VOTERS.

    Stop Carol Chen and her continued abuse of power here in our community.

    Recall Carol Chen.

    Time to plan a “community meeting” to start the RECALL AGAINST CAROL CHEN!

    Carol Chen ran on this statement to the Voters:

    “Listen with care and value the opinions of all Cerritos residents.”

    Carol Chen lied.


  • Cerritos Resident says:

    Carol Chen is and has always been a disaster on the Cerritos Council, so this is nothing new. I do agree this is a coverup to gain a utility tax for the city.
    Why do we need a utility tax? If we are so short of funds, perhaps the council needs to stop wasting the city’s resources with their out of town meetings & excessive travel and lifetime medical insurance.

    I for one am totally fed up and now the “taker” Chen, very soon, will be spending another Cerritos city fortune on her new position as President of League of Ca Cities, LA Division.
    Just following her boy Brucie’s lead.

    It would be interesting to know how much money we had to cough up for Barrow’s League (LA Division) Presidential term. But…The residents will never know, isn’t it amazing how the city hides these items in their secret slush funds?

    It’s no surprise she wants to bar the media from the meeting at her office, she has a lot to hide.

    Sorry, I can’t sign my name, I live in Cerritos have children in ABC.

  • Council of Thieves says:

    Sounds like a ‘select’ group of individuals will attend and decide what is best for our pocketbooks.

    Notice the city manager said, “the city will not be participating in any official capacity.” How about “unofficial”, Mr. city manager? We’re tired of the political double speak.

    Here you have Carol Chen, her globetrotting travel pal Bruce Barrows, along with Johnson and Yoo — residents of all the cities ABC represents need to ask themselves why the council members of Cerritos are secretly plotting with abc district board members?

    Were officials from the other cities of ABC district invited or is this a Cerritos only thing? Artesia, Hawaiian Gardens, La Miradam Lakewood, Long Beach, and Norwalk what do you think?

    • M c M a h o n says:


      7/2/2014 @ 8pm. | Parking lot of Council Person Carol Chen

      Jim M. showed up to the meeting, Greeted: By Councilman Barrows. Greeting rattled thru temp. construction foyer, and said, (Oh F..ck, here is McMahon). What a salutation: 40 yr Cerritos resident to endure.

      Ret. Assemblywoman/ABC Trustee: Sally Havice was turned away, almost in tears, as she was held hostaged by door.

      LCCN article stated, CM knew nothing about this back door meting. Well the last CCC 6/26/2014, CCC stated they were city employees, w/ 100% benefits, so why dosnt all 3 CM know at all times, where there employees are? ( See archieves)


      Received -4- invitations: following emails, scroll down. Carol Chen told me no room in her Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Office, because of construction. Literally shocked at the suite parking lot, number of staged cars in the parking lot, for this Republican Backdoor Barn door Event, not well light and no designated Parking. Wonder if the founder, Warren Buffet of Berkshire HS would approve of this type of backdoor dealings, brandishing his franchise. This meeting was held Tues nite before 4th July; 4 day weekend, like the Cerritos RV Meeting, was held on Holy Thursday, prior to Easter Sunday.

      Most of the attendees were Chinese-Asian, as the former owner of Prudential Realty was Chinese CEO, to make Chinese feel at home purchasing real estate.

      • Carol Chen 金凱莉 Carolkchen @ Yahoo.com
      • Yndapjohnson @ yahoo.com
      • Vote4lynda @ gmail.com
      • Mary.sieu @ abcusd.us

      This was pure 60’s Republican Lynching Party, AKA : Republic Brown Art ( sh.t) elephant hoedown.


      1. How much staff time from Cerritos and ABC were billed for this meeting?

      2. What is the ABC protocol for taking public property off of the Corp Office and used for demonstration purposes at private function?

      3. Were the 2 ABC Trustees and 2 Cerritos County Member compensated for their time, cell phone, transportation by taxpayers?

      Why isn’t this bond sale on web sited, when the superintendant is batching emails, promoting the bond sale?


      Why isn’t the proposed city tax on web site?

      • Sheriff Tax
      • Utility Tax
      • Street Tree Tax
      • Light Pole Tax

      Why hasn’t any of this been agendized on the 7/7/2014 City Council Hearing ?


      Why has this ABC Bond been posted to all cities within the district & this meeting opened to all taxpayers of the district:
      1. Long Beach
      2. Artesia
      3. Norwalk
      4. Bellflower
      5. Lakewood
      6. Hawaiian Gardens

      Cerritos residents should have stopped this behavior, years ago, when director of the Cerritos Planning Depart, T Contreras, introduced a public hearing item, privately, to the Republican Party, in the Cerritos Library, to the Republican Party, prior to going public. This director should of been terminated and so should his superiors all (3) CM. Public servants are not staff for various political parties.

      If this Carol Chen’s meeting was broadcasted in Long Beach Press telegram on July 1, why hasnt this been advertised and agendized?


      Residents of the districts, please write and demand a roll call accounting of the attendees, as taxpayers need to know who many elected official attended, as 3 or more elected, could be quorum and illegal.

      Recall is in order, for least 2 CCC and 2 ABC Trustees.

      40Yr + Resident | Cerritos.

  • Not by my Chinny Chen Chen says:

    As Rep. Issa would say, Carl and crew, “We have a problem with you and you have a problem with credibility.”

    Can you say – Backroom deal??

  • Where are the Ethics? says:

    This isn’t the first time either government has been questioned about a coverup or questionable actions. A quick google search shows some of the more recent events.

    Just who is leading California’s ABC Unified School District?
    “An eye opening look at California’s ABC Unified School District officials in the wake of a brewing scandal involving a mass cover-up…”

    “OpEd: ABCUSD reaches new low with denying media access to public meeting ”

    “Transparency at Cerritos City Hall: All Talk, No Walk”

    “LETTER’S: Barrowsgate, Crime, Cover-up and Conspiracy at Cerritos City Hall”

    “…Councilman Joseph Cho attempted to craft a deal with rival candidate K.Y. Ma last December in an attempt to manipulate the Cerritos March 5th election,…”

    “He [Pulido] doesn’t believe it was an improper situation,”


  • Mr.Cerritos says:

    Recall Carol Chen. It is shameful and disappointing that the City of Cerritos has had so many council members(past and present) that only serve as elected officials for artier motives, which largely include personal gain. Unprofessional and very unethical and City of Cerritos response is ” Oh well, if it’s unethical that’s fine as a long as it’s not illegal.” What a shame!!!

  • Carol Chen Secret Meetings Shady Deals says:


    Gang of Four: Birds of a Feather

    All elected and appointed officials who attended Carol Chen’s secret meeting should be held accountable for participation in sleazy shadow government tactics at their worst.

    Now that dirty bird Carol Chen and her ilk have run Cerritos into the ground, these Vultures will now pick at the carcass, enter Grace Hu, gearing up for another run at the feeding trough.

    Only Cerritos voters can throw these dirty birds OUT!