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Hawaiian Gardens Mayor Rodriguez, Vice Mayor Barry Bruce Guilty of Violating California Election Law 

By: Randy Economy and Justin Cooley

A political campaign committee responsible for the 2013 reelection wins of Hawaiian Gardens Mayor Reynaldo Rodriguez and Vice Mayor Barry Bruce has been fined a total of $2,500 by the California Fair Political Practices Commission for failing to report a late campaign contribution from a powerful casino gaming business.

Hews Media Group-Community Newspapers confirmed with Gary Winuk, the Chief of Enforcement with the FPPC on Thursday about the action taken against the two local elected officials. Also cited in the ruling was Delia Olivas, who served as the Treasurer of the campaign account that was called “Re-Elect Council Members Rodriguez and Bruce 2013.”

State officials said that Rodriguez and Bruce received two checks totaling $6,000 to their candidate-controlled committee back on September 30, 2013 from the Hawaiian Gardens Casino. One check was $5,000 and the other check was $1,000.

Winuk in his ruling said that Rodriguez, Bruce and Olivas failed to report any of the financial contributions to city clerk Susan Underwood within 24 hours of receiving the sizable contributions. In total, Rodriguez and Bruce raised a total of $8,100 into their joint campaign account.

“Respondents Re-Elect Council Members Rodriguez and Bruce 2013, Reynaldo Rodriguez, Barry Bruce, and Delia Olivas failed to timely report two late contributions received to the Hawaiian Gardens City Clerk within 24 hours of receiving each, in violation of state law,” the ruling stated.

Winuk stated in his ruling that “Failing to timely report receiving a late contribution is a serious violation of the Act as it deprives the public of important information about (Rodriguez and Bruce’s) Respondent Committee’s financial activities.”

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  • gilman says:

    The FPPC is a paper lion. It is time to give them real law enforcement power, as well as the financial resources, to properly do their job. Fines should be substantial, election results nullified and criminal charges levied in severe cases.

  • FLFF says:

    I live in old HG and have since the early 1980s, we have had some REAL winners in local government! The graft and corruption during the mid and late 90s is FULL of stories of recall of FIVE sitting city councilmen, etc. These two have been a complete joke since they have got into office. Incompetent, dysfunctional, and totally clueless on most EVERYTHING! They BULL-CRAPED their way into office by SHOUTING the loudest and whining and complaining the most! They have ZERO intelligence between them. Most of us are surprised they can find their way to city hall! I would expect NOTING less than a charge like this! AND both are dyed in the wool demo-creeps.. what else can ya expect! But 2500 bucks? Yawn you might have given them a free pass to the movies!

    Yes I choose to remain ANON.. I value my safety..

  • Christine says:

    Hawaiian Gardens already has a bad reputation and now due to an “Honest Mistake”, according to Councilmember Berry Bruce our city will now be compare to the city of Bell. It amazes me that Mr. Bruce and Mayor Rodriguez both failed to report a large contribution due to the fact that Mr. Bruce and Mayor Rodriguez always seem to analyze and question when monies are spent. However, they failed to question/report the large amount of money that came into their hands. If this “Honest Mistake” would have been made by their fellow council members they would surly have been crucified by both Mr. Bruce and Mayor Rodriguez. Now due to their mistake our surrounding cities will now think that Hawaiian Gardens councilmembers are corrupted. How sad is that?