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San Diego Police Outline Oral Copulation Case Against Compton School Board Member Skyy Fisher

Arrested Compton School Board member Skyy Fisher proudly wearing a profanity laced shirt.  Photo was sent to Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper from a source on Monday morning.

Arrested Compton School Board member Skyy Fisher proudly wearing a profanity laced shirt. Photo was sent to Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper from a source on Monday morning.

By Brian Hews

San Diego Police Department officials have outlined in graphic detail why they arrested Compton School Board Member Skyy Fisher last week. The charges indicate that he orally copulated a 26-year old male friend at the famed Keating Hotel without his consent.

Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper was sent the three-page complaint against Fisher on Monday morning.

See complaint here.

San Diego Police say that they were called to the Keating Hotel at 7:30 a.m. on the morning of April 4 to investigate a “possible sexual assault” of “a 26 year old male.”

The arrest complaint states that the victim, whose identity is not being revealed due to the nature of the alleged crime, and Fisher were friends and that they travelled together to San Diego. The two checked into Room 3-C, and each had a separate bed in the room.

The victim told San Diego Police that he is “not gay” and believed that Fisher was “also heterosexual male.”  The victim told investigators that he woke up at 7:30 a.m. and found Fisher “orally copulating his erect penis.”

The complaint states that before the victim could react, Fisher stopped orally copulating him and Fisher “jumped back into his bed” and gave the appearance he was sleeping.

The complaint alleges that the victim was missing his underwear and shorts he wore to bed.  The victim said he then looked around the room and located his shorts but not his underwear.  The victim “was angry, put on his shorts and left the room.”  The victim then went to the lobby and got his car from the valet, and Fisher came to the lobby where the two got into a public argument.

Picture inside Keating Hotel room

Inside of one room at the Keating Hotel.

The complaint states that when the two got into the car, the victim then “punched Fisher when he was sitting in the car.”

Fisher then began chasing the victim down the street and a witness Elizabeth Ducote stated she saw Fisher “running into the street” and that he “appeared he was chasing after” his car,

The victim then called the San Diego Police and reported the crime and then met with Officer Schnider who then took down the details of the incident.

On April 18, Fisher apologized to the victim in a phone call that was being monitored and recorded by San Diego Police investigators.  In the call, Fisher admitted he hid the victim’s underwear as a “prank” and said he did not know why he orally copulated him.

On May 21, SDPD Lab Criminalist Dave Comacchi conducted a DNA test of the evidence collected off the victim via a “penile swab” and then on May 27 a search warrant was executed at Fisher’s residences on North Locus Avenue in Compton and collected a swab from his mouth.  On June 10, the results of the test concluded that the victim’s penile swab matched Fisher’s DNA.

Fisher was arrested last week and formally charged with one felony count of orally copulation of an unconscious person.

Fisher said that he is innocent in the case.

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