NCAA _____________________ ST. NORBERT CHURCH   RATES


Aug. 1-7 Hews Media Group-Community News eNewspaper

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  • M c M a h o n says:

    FYI: ABC Mello Roos School Bond Tax:

    Approximate Mello Roos for schools in Irvine Unified: $4512 per year (AD Tax: $2,650; CFD Tax: $1,700; other tax $162)

    Approximate Mello Roos for schools in Tustin Unified: $4,554 – $5,104 per year (AD Tax: $2,650, CFD Tax: $1,800 – $2,350; other tax: $104)
    Overall Effective Tax Rate: 1.5%

    Our Cerritos Mello Ross will chase many from the city. Cerritos now has 2- Mello Roos School Bond taxes and now poss. 3rd School Bond on Nov 4, 2014 Ballot.

    These numbers would be like not having the protection of Prop. 13.

    Vote No, NO on Nov 2014, ABC School Bond Tax.
    Citizen for No Mello Roos tax, no utility tax.

  • M c M a h o n says:

    ****Citizen For No on Water Rate Increase, No on Mello Roos Bonds

    • In 1998 Cer. had the first ABC Mello Roos Bond tax.

    • Then in mid 2005, Cer had the 2nd Mello Roos for Cer JC.

    • Now in Nov 2014, ABC wants us to vote on the 3rd Mello Roos Tax,

    • Plus Cerritos water is having an USPS / proxy vote to raise the water rates by 10% each yr, for the next 7 yrs. (Sept-Oct 2014) Vote No!!!

    • Cer Jun College has burned all of their Mello Roos School Bond and Dr. Hughlett, Pres of the College, is already drafting plans for 2nd CJC Mello Roos for 2015 ballot, to complete the campus remodeling.

    • Cer Sheriffs are vying for Cerritos Sheriff Tax per household. Dont think this will be Mello Roos Tax, as will be for infinity.

    ***********Citizens for No on All new taxes and Mello Roos Bond.s*******

  • Owen Price says:

    Very interesting object