Mayor Chris Garcia: Why I Support Central Basin Candidate Jason Stinnett
Thank you for your inquiry regarding your recent article about Central Basin Candidate Jason Stinnett. I did have the opportunity to read your article and did look at the supporting documents you’ve included in there and I must say I felt compelled to respond to you via this open letter primarily because of the message I feel your viewership receives when reading your articles.
My question to you and your viewership is; does some “infidelity” in someone’s private life automatically disqualify them from office? In this case a DUI that happened over a decade ago! (Editors note: Stinnett had a DUI in 2011.) Yes, this is a tragic example of broken trust and worthy of voter scrutiny. But should evidence of past mistakes automatically disqualify a STRONG candidate from elected office? No, I don’t think so. Should it raise significant voter concerns that need to be addressed with candor and humility? Absolutely.
On the contrary, are these so-called “barriers” that tend to get highlighted in your articles doing a disservice to “good/strong” candidates and are they also reducing TRUE political competition? Example, a viewer of yours in the City of Downey who has had a long history as a successful business man is now discouraged from running for city council because of some IRS penalties he received 10 years ago. Or the local teacher who has great ideas to improve her local school system gets discouraged to run for local school board because of the arrest warrant she received 20 years ago for failing to pay an outstanding speeding ticket. There is this long tradition in this country that looks past the misdeeds of leaders who provide good stewardship, from Presidents Ronald Reagan (Iran-contra) and Bill Clinton (impeachment) downward. That’s because it often comes down to the actual substance of the issues. Overall, these people could end up being some of the greatest leaders our communities have seen but fail to take the proper next steps because of the discouraging articles like the one you posted about Jason Stinnett.
My point here is simple; in response to your question, YES, I still support Jason Stinnett as Central Basin’s next board member because he is the strongest candidate I’ve met thus far! Not because we’re friends and not because we’ve had a long history (actually I’ve only known Jason for a few months through professional gatherings) but rather he has been the most intellectually thoughtful candidate I’ve talked to that has provided me with specifics on what he’ll bring if elected. I’ve talked to other good candidates in this race and it’s my understanding that those others are also carrying their own form of “barriers.” But for me:
I support Jason Stinnett and hope you will too! Let’s not get distracted from the real issues facing our communities!
Chris Garcia
Mayor, City of Cudahy
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In all due respect to the Mayor of Cudahy, you really don’t know Jason Stinnett. Those of us who have lived in the community all our lives and have known Stinnett for 25 years or more know who he really is! First of all, I don’t know of anyone I’ve ever met who talks more crap about other people than him. His motto is simple, you’re either on HIS team or you’re dirt. No one falls in between. By the way, Stinnett’s “team” is usually made of those hard core “give me union or give me death” fanatics. I understand Mr. Garcia, you can’t move up the “political food chain” in SouthEast politics if you don’t back a union brother so you’e earning your stripes here. Anyone could read that backstory even in the dark.
But what I don’t understand is how you can condone the fact that at the bare minimum, a person should be OFF PROBATION before they can seek public office. Hey, a new law idea Ms. Cristina Garcia?? Let’s call it “Jason’s Law”? How can a guy on probation for drug and alcohol related crimes be expected to bring integrity and composure to a train wreck like Central Basin? I can already hear Stinnett’s swearing-in speech…I love water, especially with my scotch, preferably on the rocks!
Mr. Garcia, ask Stinnett about the murder that took place at his home in Commerce during one of his wild house parties, ask Jason about the Fullerton Police investigating his bar for ongoing prostitution, ask him about him running political campaigns for Commerce Council Members while on city time. Add all of that to his two DUI’s and him being taken to court to rightfully pay support for HIS CHILD so taxpayers like us don’t have to foot the bill for deadbeat dads like him!
No way Chris, you DON’T KNOW JASON STINNETT as well as you think you do and now you just look stupid for opening your mouth. Join the club with the Assemblywoman and Senator and the entire Democratic Party. Shame on you!
I’m confused. Are there any politicians in the South East that anyone can believe anymore? I just read this amazingly convincing and passionate plea by this guy named Chris Garcia who is apparently the Mayor of some putz of a city called Cudahy (who came up with that cruddy name anyways?) who apparently in infatuated with the integrity and character of an even bigger putz named Jason Stinnett who is somehow running for public office while on probation??? WTF!!??
So if that isn’t enough of an oddity, this same big time Mayor Chris Garcia somehow appears on a mailer I received today endorsing Elba Romo who is apparently running for the same office as his pally-wally Jason Stinnett. WTF!??!
So let me recap, in the story above Chris Garcia, a fountain of integrity himself, proudly proclaims from the magnificent and hallowed steps of Cudahy City Hall (is it actually a converted old horse barn as I’ve been told?) and says, (drum roll please…wait for it wait for it…) JASON STINNETT IS MY CHOICE! There, Garcia said it damnit and I heard it loud and clear!
But wait, right there next to such highly respected political icons like Calderon, Dymally and DAVID FREAKIN’ ARMENTA, I read the name CHRIS GARCIA -MAYOR OF CUDAHY as endorsing little Elba Romo. Of course, the name of the real star of Romo’s endorsements isn’t listed but her ugly mug appears just over Romo’s shoulder, the queen of corruption, the recalled former 1st Latina Mayor of Lynwood, MS. LETICIA VASQUEZ-WILSON! Yep, Leticia “Qui Tam” Vasquez who is costing Central Basin hundred’s of thousand’s of dollars dealing with her bogus get-rich lawsuit. You really know how to pick your endorsements Elba Romo. WTF again!???
Some may ask should I really be so surprised that Chris Garcia of the great commonwealth of Cudahy is such a lying hypocrite when it comes to his stellar convictions (no, not the same kind of convictions that Stinnett has racked up over the years:)? Actually I’m not surprised, not by Garcia being such a two-face, or by Stinnett’s arrogance for running while still on probation, or by Romo’s choice of accepting Leticia vasquez’ endorsement. These type of people do not know how to earn respect nor do they respect those they pontificate to. They just assume they’re smarter than you (the voters) and they bank on your ignorance. Chris Garcia, Elba Romo, Jason Stinnett and Leticia Vasquez simply think VOTERS ARE STUPID.
Well I am here to tell those jokers that thanks to newspapers like this we are learning fast and we will NOT SUPPORT LIARS, CON-ARTISTS AND THIEVES like you.
ps…I don’t care for Gloria Molina much either so Elba Romo actually lost my vote first!
Its evident from reading the esteem City of Cudahy Mayor Chris Garcia’s glowing endorsement of Jason “Neidermeyer (think the Animal House Movie character)” Stinnet, that his political vision is suffering from an episode of “character myopia”.
Unlike some, I have had the experience of knowing, working and socializing (ie. partying) with Jason Scott Stinnett and survive to tell the truth (with some damage that have heal with time).
The same can’t be said about his friend who died at the infamous House Party or the other friend that is paralysis for life after an alleged drunken crash South of the Border.
The “Neidermeyer Stinnet” I remember was the muckraker behind non-stop personal attacks against a “true union leader” former Commerce Councilwoman Nancy Ramos, former Library Director Pamela Ciberelli and took the lead in the decertification of the old SEIU 347 Employee Union.
It did not surprise me to read that Jason was on probation, again, for a alcohol/drug-related offense, considering that many of my former Commerce Co-workers learned the art of partying at his Veterans Neighborhood Home.
In closing, I knew there would come a day when “Neidermeyer Stinnet” would seek to become a “Political Somebody”, but the personal skeletons of his too numerous episodes of questionable life choices, should sound the alarm that Neidermeyer Stinnet is unfit to hold any Public Office.
Scott Johnson
former City of Commerce Employee and SEIU 347 Board Member.
Its evident from reading the esteem City of Cudahy Mayor Chris Garcia’s glowing endorsement of Jason “Neidermeyer (think the Animal House Movie character)” Stinnet, that his political vision is suffering from an episode of “character myopia”.
Unlike some, I have had the experience of knowing, working and socializing (ie. partying) with Jason Scott Stinnett and survive to tell the truth (with some damage that has heal with time).
The same can’t be said about his friend who died at the infamous House Party or the other friend that is paralysis for life, after an alleged drunken crash South of the Border.
The “Neidermeyer Stinnet” I remember was the muckraker behind non-stop personal attacks against a “true union leader” former Commerce Councilwoman Nancy Ramos, former Library Director Pamela Ciberelli and took the lead in the decertification of the old SEIU 347 Employee Union.
It did not surprise me to read that Jason was on probation, again, for a alcohol/drug-related offense, considering that many of my former Commerce Co-workers learned the art of partying at his Veterans Neighborhood Home.
In closing, I knew there would come a day when “Neidermeyer Stinnet” would seek to become a “Political Somebody”, but the personal skeletons of his too numerous episodes of questionable life choices, should sound the alarm that “Neidermeyer Stinnet” is unfit to hold any Public Office.
Scott Johnson
former City of Commerce Employee and SEIU 347 Commerce Chapter Board Member.
I received a political mailer Saturday from the campaign of Jason Stinnett attacking his opponent Art Chacon over his DUI’s as well as other accusations. I find it totally hypocritical that a person currently serving probation with a history himself of DUI’s would have the nerve to attack another. Has that man no shame?
I also find it disturbing that State Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia and State Senator Ricardo Lara would support and endorse a person who is on probation. By endorsing a person of Stinnett’s character, Garcia’s and Lara’s own behavior and actions as state representatives come into question. It seems completely out of line and inexcusable for these officals to.have not done their homework to ask Stinnett to be candid about his extremely questionable past. Shame on them as well.
I will not vote for Jason Stinnett!