October 24 Hews Media Group-Community News eNewspaper
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Truth about Mello Roos AA Bond. Yes, the bond will be for $195.2M, but in reality, after 30 yrs of interest, the bond will exceed $400M, plus over $1M in commissions to the brokers of the bond. $400M of our taxes and yet the school only received Less then $194.2M!!!!
No one dares touch the Sacred Prop 13, so now we scorned w/ 4 New Taxes to Vote on.
1. Nov 4, 2014, AA Mello Roos School Bond.
2 Mello Roos School Bonds have already passed 1-2 decades ago.
3. http://united-hoa.org/
4. http://nonewabctax.com/
5. Nov 13, 2014, 195% Water Rate Increase
7. March 3, 2015, Hotel Bed Tax
8. TBD: Sheriff Tax
With only 10 days left before the election, we must double our effort to make sure that every one of our friends and neighbors understands why we must vote NO on Measure AA. We support our schools, but we must oppose wasteful government spending.
Proponents of Measure AA haven’t convinced us they really need the money. They have no idea what exactly they are going to do with the money. They have said nothing in their plan about how to protect our investment. Because of that, we can be certain our money will be wasted, the same way it was wasted 10 years ago. Even if they tell us it’s only 50 cents a day, that’s still our money and they have no right to waste it.
With 10 days left and many voters waking up to reality, proponents of Measure AA are getting desperate. They will play all sorts of dirty tricks with the tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions they’ve received from their backers in big businesses and the teachers’ union. They can’t face the truth we’ve brought forth, so they resort to personal attacks hoping to discredit us. The appearance of two slanderous articles in the Oct 17 issue of LCCN is a prime example of this tactic. We have just released a response at
http://united-hoa.org/truth_and_slander.html. Please check it out.
We want to assure you that we will never stoop to their level, and that every statement we make is thoroughly researched and cross-referenced. We don’t pretend we know all the truth, but we do our very best to approach nothing but the truth. Still, if you have any questions or doubts about anything we say, please feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to give you all the facts and evidence that back up our statements.
In their desperate attempt to avoid a humiliating defeat, our opponents are doing all kinds of things in violation of the law. From using district employee and resources to file the ballot statement in favor of Measure AA, to distributing campaign literature on school properties, to organizing teachers and students for precinct walk, to urging PTA organizations to endorse Measure AA, all these activities are illegal and the perpetrators could be put in jail once convicted.
We urge our opponents to refrain from these illegal activities and play fair. We also encourage our members to send us any video, audio or written evidence or any eyewitness account of these illegal activities for our future reference.
Thank you!
United Homeowners Alliance
A Community Organization