By Brian Hews
Hews Media Group-Community News has obtained a No on AA direct mail piece sent out this weekend by the ABC Citizens for Responsible Spending campaign committee that has once again raised the ire of local politicians by listing Measure AA supporter and Hawaiian Gardens Mayor Reynaldo “Rey” Rodriguez as opposing the $190 Million general improvement bond.
Three weeks ago, HMG-CN published an article about the supporters of Measure AA denouncing campaign mailings and websites from AA opponents.
Maynard Law, who is a current member of the ABC School Board, told HMG-CN that the campaign currently being conducted to defeat the bond measure is “totally misleading” and that “false information” is being distributed on two websites that are “destroying the future progress at ABCUSD.”
In an interview with HMG-CN Mayor Rodriguez, who has several Yes on AA signs in his yard, was visibly angry that the mailer indicated he was opposing the measure.
Rodriguez said, “the publishing of this piece with my name opposing the measure is completely false, it just shows the level the No on AA opponents will go to defeat the bond measure, everything they put out has some kind of lies in it.”
Rodriguez specifically mentioned two websites, one that is being managed by Cerritos resident James Yee and another from Ben Ao who is the leader of the United Homeowners Association also based in Cerritos.
Law said that Yee, and Ao need to be “called to task” and that they are “spreading lies and misstatements about what Measure AA will do and what it will not do in the future.”
Law also said that current Cerritos Mayor Pro-Tem Carol Chen and former Mayor Grace Hu need to be “held accountable” for their “actions” in “spreading lies” to the voters.
“Look, Carol Chen and Grace Hu stand to lose a lot of money if this ballot measure is approved, since both of them own multiple properties within the ABC School District,” Law said.
Law also said that another former ABC School Board Member Cecy Groom is also working hard to defeat Measure AA.
“Some people have told us that they can’t support the bond, because they are getting to much pressure from Republican realtors and Cecy Groom,” he said.
Sign Stealing
Another issue raised by AA supporters during the campaign was stealing of the Yes on AA yard and open area signs.
This writer personally witnessed two areas with Yes on AA signs that are now gone.
The lot directly across the street from HMG-CN offices at Artesia and Shoemaker had four Yes on AA signs four weeks ago, within one week they were gone.
Also signs on Pioneer and Artesia were pilfered within one week after placement.
In both areas No on AA signs remained.
“We put out over 150 signs out four weeks ago, the only signs you see now are in resident’s yards, all the others are gone, while No on AA signs are still up,” said Law.
This is an anti-school and anti-kids campaign that they are waging against us,” Law said.
AA supporters will carry on until the very end, which is tomorrow.
AA supporters told HMG-CN that only 2,000 absentee ballots had been sent in “which is a good sign.”
Law said that the current ABC School Board came up with six different areas of concern that are the focal points contained in Measure AA.
He said that the bond is intended to update classrooms and to “bring them into the 21st Century, instead of being stuck with broken chairs and desks from the 1970’s and 80’s.”
He also said that Measure will deliver the funded for updating Science and Technology labs, addressing how to maintain, upgrade or remove 107 “temporary” portable classrooms that have been dotting local campuses for more than 20 and 30 years.
“This bond is needed, no question about it. Our newest school is 40 years old, and that school is Whitney High School,” Law said. A majority of our schools were built in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s.
Law and other supporters of Measure AA said that they “did not expect this type of opposition.”
“Please get out and vote yes for the Bond,” said Law, “its for the kids.”
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Cerritos schools are doing fine right now, have you seen the new multi-million dollar library at Stowers?
NO ON Bond AA – our kids can’t afford it!
“AA supporters told HMG-CN that only 2,000 absentee ballots had been sent in “which is a good sign.”
Which of the “AA supporters” told HMG-CN this? Is this person an election strategist?
Does this person have his/her finger on the pulse of accurate data?
Look who sent in the 2,000 absentee ballots. Old/White, Old/Asian, and REP registration running higher than DEM in returns.
Just how does this help the “Yes” side?
Data. It’s all about the Data.
Dear arthur and Noh Wei,
Do you two realize how ignorant and racist you sound?
Perhaps you didn’t realize that ABCUSD serves other
cities as well as Cerritos, and that all her students are
required equal education.
Being ‘Old/White’ myself, and having family that are
‘Old/Asian’ shouldn’t even be an issue, unless you are
ignorant and racist.
This measure is not about REP or DEM, or race, or age,
or only Cerritos schools, nor is about wasting money, or
transparency, or enrolling certain students from outside
our District (who have the legal right to be enrolled), or
Mello-Roos, or any other rationale you may try to pass
on as fact. The bond is $195 million, not the purported
$400 or $635 million figure used to bully ‘Old/White and
Asian’ voters. That is your Data!
This measure is about preserving ALL the campuses in
the award winning ABCUSD (not to mention our property values),
and it’s for our kids!
The supporters of AA (the Yes to AA site) state $4 (four)for every $100K of assesed value. In that case (ha!), I’ll gladly write you a check to improve our schools infrastructure.
Give me a break..look at the previous bond measures we are already paying for and this one is to take us into 2030’s +. Alot of the constituents that support AA are outside of my AOR (Cerritos)..Hawaiian Gardens, Artesia. There is a reason why I chose to live in Cerritos. It appears to me that Bond AA will go to help the other distressed schools that are not in Cerritos.
I understand, we are all supposed to be lovey-dovey, but I would bet to say that my property tax is much higher than those that are outside of Cerritos. Only $4 per $100K of assessed value..shucks..can I write you a check right now..spare me.
Editor’s note: Cerritos has the fourth lowest property taxes in LA County, ABCUSD is at the bottom in student funding.
Remember Cerritos does not collect much money from Property Taxes, compared to other cities. Since Cerritos is Charter city, Cerritos only receives .07% of the 1.4% tax rate. Other cities get the entire % of state paid property tax.
Cerritos operates on % sales tax revenue from the 9.5% Sales Tax rate. Again not 100% income percentage. Cerritos has luxury of financing ABC Projects, were other cities do not.
Many school districts have higher GPA compared to Cerritos. Why? Because some of these cities have higher educated parents, nannies and extended families. Also, many parents in this county hold important jobs, business owners, so education is learned at earlier ages compared to grades K-12. Many families have national or international home fronts, so the children have more world-wide exposure to life and education. ABC nor any other SD can become part of this equations.
All the money in the world, for school mello roos bonds, is not going to replace the hands on education values learned at home from birth.
No no on Mello Roos
Mr. Kelemen,
As someone who is active in the school district and walked for “Yes on AA”, I wanted to say thank you.
It’s nice to see someone who gets the big picture. The fact that the response was senseless rhetoric and hyperbole further proves that he can’t argue with facts.
Hat is off to you sir!
Mr. Apodaca–
Your Tweets in the past few weeks were documented.
Data isn’t racist. It is a fact.
Please provide me your real name and address so my legal representatives may file a libel suit against you.
Dear ABC Neighbor:
Nov 4, 2014, AA Mello Roos School Bond.
2 Mello Roos School Bonds have already passed 1-2 decades ago. Other cities are not burdened by 2 existing Mello Roos Bonds. This $195 Bond, will cost the residents interest and commissions, which will total over $400M spread over 30 yrs. Many Mello Roos bonds have to be paid in full by buyers or sellers of properties being sold off. How many properties in ABC have this luxury for pre payment of Mello Roos Bonds during close of escrow?
To vote NO on Measure AA, Mello Roos Tax, just turn to page 8 of your ballot, and punch the hole after the number 191. This election, the Bond or Mello Roos has been a rally over: Sexism, Ageism and cross of party lines. This Bond should be bi partisan, but has not!
The election is only 3 days away. If you haven’t voted yet, please remember to come out and vote on Tuesday, November 4. Our opponents have been busy preparing a door-hanger, as shown in the photo. If you see this thing on your door nob over the next few days, take it as a reminder that Tuesday is the day when we go to the polls and say NO to the big bullies who want to impose a $400 million debt upon us and our children so they can line their filthy pockets.
Over the last few months, our opponents have received over $80 thousand illicit campaign contributions. With that kind of money, they’ve bombarded us with campaign literature and they’ve turned a local newspaper into a vicious propaganda tool. Meanwhile, we’ve been resisting them with just a few thousand dollars donated by ordinary citizens like you. This is a battle between David and Goliath, and it’s extremely unfair. The only way to defeat them is to go to the polls and deny them that $400 million blank check that will not only impact our personal finance, but also wreck the local economy and burden our future generations.
Let’s all pray that with God’s grace justice will prevail.
No, No on AA Measure Mello Roos.
I’m already paying TWICE for Cerritos College this year..enough is enough.
Dear Neighbor,
Today is Election Day. If you haven’t voted yet, today is the day to show you care about our community, our children, and our future. Please don’t give them a $400 million blank check to squander. Please don’t put a $400 million debt on the backs of our children.
All polls are open now. So let’s just go and vote NO on Measure AA! It’s located on Page 8 of your ballot. Just punch the hole after the number 191. It’s that easy.
If you’ve misplaced your sample ballot, don’t worry. Just go to to find out where you vote, or to download a new copy of sample ballot. You can also find out the result of today’s election at the same website after 8:00 tonight.
Please remind your friends and neighbors to vote today. This is our last ditch effort. Together we can do it.
Thank you very much for your support. You can drop off your signed ballot at any polling place in our district, does not have to be the one assigned to your address.
United Homeowners Alliance
A Community Organization
No Mello Roos School Bond…………………
Dear united-hos (at least your name appears factual),
and No Wei,
I understand that many of you are realtors, so I must
ask: when you sell a home, do you quote the list price
of ~$600k or $700k, or do you say the price is double,
because that’s what the buyer will be paying over 30 yrs.
(as you’re intimating with your quotes of the $195 million
bond being $400k or even $635k…Dumb…)
ABC has never stated the cost to be $4 per $100k on
your tax bill, but is $50 per $100k. (as you obviously know…
and Dumber…)
Dumb and dumber…what a comedy you guys are!
PS…you still sound pretty arrogant and racist when writing
about those distressed schools, outside of Cerritos…can you
hear yourselves speak? Please keep writing, you’re giving
yourselves away!
When house is sold, yes, all Mello Roos Bonds and Measures are disclosed. Many lenders will not finance dwellings w/ Mello Roos or Bond Measures recorded on the property. Negotiable either the seller or buyer pays the Bond or Tax off in full, and the projected gross worth of the bond. Some lenders will finance. Few Mello Roos or assessments have a recorded escalation clause for escrow sales.
Many realtor flyers will advertise Mello Roos or assessments.
Full disclosure is recorded as part of the Deed of entitlement by the Title Company or the escrow service.
FYI: 30% of real estate purchased in the USA, have no loans, paid for in full.
There are far worse campuses in OC/LA compared to ABC. Flip side, there are many campuses far better then ABC and have lower GPA compared to ABC.
Auto Mall and both shopping centers, will be hit the worst, especially during times of sale transfers.
No no AA Mello Roos.
Did you hear the voters speak?
We moved to Cerritos fairly recently, after enrolling our kids here, the first thing we noticed is the amount of students that were coming from other cities. We also noticed how easily students from other cities get accepted when compared to the school where our kids were before. So yes, we voted no for AA. Our property taxes are very high already, why would we approve for higher taxes to pay for so many students that don’t even live here? Most of my neighbors are older and their kids have moved on, if we don’t have as many kids to educate as before, then our district should (must) adjust to the current needs of our community, not trying to maintain their size by filling up with students from other cities and having us pay for that.
And I don’t even what to get started with the people that bring their kids here. I have seen them dropping garbage on our streets that only prompts to oppose AA even more.