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Dec. 5-11 Hews Media Group Community News eNewspaper

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  • CCPA | Mr. Pulido says:

    Thank you Mr Pulido for advertising the CCPA. The word has gotten around, that the crime rate at the CCPA is out of control, mainly because the parking lot, over grown by tropical rainforest, auto theft out of control. The public at large is upset, the adjacent building, Mulliken museum complex, was robbed during the fourth of July holidays, 2 years ago, with the adjacent nearby sheriff station doing nothing.

    If there’s so many vacant seats at the CCPA during the month of December, why has the CCC not constructed a grand marquis, to advertise the performances off of the 91 freeway at Bloomfield. The Cerritos, council, was able to afford a grand marquis for the Cerritos Auto Mall, but nothing for the public’s interest to read about the CCPA. With over 200,000 cars passing over the 91 freeway, wouldn’t it be helpful to draw CCPA patrons from the 91 freeway traffic, since the CCPA is owned by the residents?

    10 Candidates running for Council Seat, March 2015. Former Council persons: Grace Hu and Jim Edwards, both have failed to run the CCPA out of red ink. Even Edwards publically stated, he would rather attend the Performing Arts Center near his vacation desert home in Palm Springs, as much better performers, compared to CCPA.

    Why is Edwards sitting on the Cerritos Chamber of Commerce, is this a potential conflict of interest, since he was 2 term disaster councilperson. Why is Grace Hu running for CCC, when she had to resign, as she pleaded no contest, to commingling RE funds / w escrows during the build out stages of the Affordable Housing Units in Cerritos, plus fined over $.5M!!!

    Edwards-Hu are both products, why our CCPA has vacancies in Dec 2014.