EDITOR’S NOTE: The crime summaries are sent in to HMG-CN by the respective cities, HMG-CN publishes the summaries as a public service.
There were 15 Part I felony crimes reported in Cerritos this past reporting period, a decrease of four over the previous week. The following is a breakdown of crimes by category: one robbery; one aggravated assault (occurred in October); two residential burglaries; five commercial/other burglaries (one was an attempt); two grand thefts (both occurred in November); four vehicle burglaries; and no auto thefts reported. Deputies made three felony arrests, seven misdemeanor arrests, and issued 101 traffic citations. The Sheriff’s dispatch center also received a total of 339 calls for service, a substantial increase over this year’s weekly average of 267 calls.
13575 Andy St. (Bettencourt Park, 12/11, 7:45 p.m.): Suspect and victims met outside of the park to discuss an outstanding debt. The suspect produced a gun and stole a purse and cell phones and fled in a waiting car.
Aggravated Assault:
11111 Artesia Blvd. (10/26/14): Suspect and victim playing in a baseball game at Gahr High School when a fight broke out and the victim alleges that the suspect kicked him in the face.
Residential Burglary:
12600 block Rose St. (12/11): Suspect forced a sliding glass door in the living room open, ransacked the bedrooms, and stole a safe containing various documents from a closet in the master bedroom.
12900 block Glenda St. (12/11-13/14): Suspect shattered rear living room window, ransacked several rooms, and stole unknown items.
Commercial/Other Burglary:
100 Los Cerritos Center (12/10): Employee arrested for stealing electronics and clothing from store’s back room.
16500 block Valley View St. (12/4-11/12): Suspect broke into storage locker through the wall of an adjoining locker. The loss is unknown at this time.
13400 block Artesia Blvd. (12/13): Suspect pried open glass window at a restaurant and stole cash from the register.
10600 block Midway Pl. (12/13-14): Suspect drilled holes in the rear door of a business but failed to get the door to open.
10800 block Alondra Blvd. (1/13): Suspect entered locker in the fitness center in an unknown fashion and stole car keys.
Vehicle Burglary:
19033 Studebaker Rd. (Liberty Park, 12/8): Suspect broke window of a ’09 VW and stole a purse and cash.
16400 block Debra Ln. (12/9): Victim had wallet stolen from his ’14 Toyota Tacoma parked in his driveway. No evidence of forced entry into the vehicle.
12800 block Towne Center Dr. (12/11): Suspect entered a locked ’14 Chevy and stole a laptop computer. No evidence of forced entry found.
11500 South St. (12/14): Suspect forced entry into ’02 GMC Yukon and stole a purse and bag of clothes.
Grand Theft:
18600 Gridley Rd. (11/20-22): Suspect cashed a fraudulent check at the bank and was subsequently arrested 12/12/14.
17400 Leslie Ave. (11/18): Victim scammed by a suspect who sent a fraudulent check in response to an Internet ad. La Mirada
Aggravated Assault
A shooting was reported on the 14100 block of Foster Rd. No injuries were reported. The incident is currently under investigation.
An assault was reported on the 14000 block of Lynmark St. A male adult was stabbed at the location. The incident is currently under investigation.
Residential Burglary
A burglary to a residence was reported on the 15900 block of San Antonio Ave.
Other Structure Burglary
A burglary to a recycling center was reported on the 12800 block of La Mirada Blvd. various recyclables were taken.
An incident was reported on the 12800 block of Valley View Ave. Cash and electronics were stolen from the business.
Vehicle Burglary
A vehicle burglary was reported on the 13800 block of La Mirada Blvd. A bag and identification were stolen from the vehicle.
A purse was reported stolen in a burglary reported on the 14200 block of Firestone Blvd.
Grand Theft
A generator was reported stolen from a backyard on the 16000 block of Formby Dr.
Grand Theft Vehicle
A vehicle was reported stolen from the 14300 block of Firestone Blvd.
A vehicle reported stolen from the Whittier.
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