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December 26 Hews Media Group-Community News eNewspaper



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  • New Years Celebrations says:

    Holiday Assimilation:

    Thank You city of Cerritos for giving us the beautiful Christmas decorations on the street light poles throughout the city. Seems like this year with a cold weather, they were just beautiful.

    Sure think the two Cerritos shopping centers and the auto mall, Holiday decorations were horrible or non-existing. None of the stores in the city supported the holiday festival decorations, compared to South Coast –Fashion Island Centers-Beverly Centers.!!!!

    Furthermore, Cerritos residents throughout the city sure did not put up very many holiday decorations either. Kudos, to the city of La Palma, they have an annual Christmas decoration contest, and their homes sure look beautiful, espec. the track South of Stephen Luther school, Homes sure are decorated nice.

    Tooooooo bad, Cerritos Property Preservation Commission, (CPPC) did not want to participate in a city-wide Christmas decoration contest years ago, as looking back, it did not help the city assimilate towards all cultures for the extended Holiday Seasons and New Year’s Celebration.

    Cerritos City Council wants us to shop and support Cerritos Malls, well we have supported the centers for many years and decades, but the malls and hoods are not supporting worldwide traditions, compared to other national cities. Glad Mayor Eric Garcetti was able to start some holiday tradition, in Downtown Los Angeles, as Cerritos Council has not supported the residents of Cerritos. Maybe this is a wake up call to Cerritos Chamber of Commerce, shopping money will continue to trickle outside Cerritos, as shoppers prefer shopping with Traditional Holiday Spirit and Hoopla…