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Long Beach Register Ceases Publication

The Long Beach Register is closing, the latest in  cutbacks by the OC Register and its parent company Freedom Communications.

This past Sunday, Freedom spokesman Eric Morgan confirmed the company was ditching the Long Beach Register altogether.

“As of Dec. 28, the Long Beach Register is no longer publishing as a stand-alone section within the Sunday edition of the Orange County Register,” Morgan said.

Orange County Register Publisher Rich Mirman said the closure of the Long Beach edition “is part of a larger strategy to focus on serving subscribers and advertisers of the Orange County Register and the Riverside Press-Enterprise.”

Staff report

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  • Park Estates says:

    OCR should remember, Long Beach is serviced by many newspapers.

    1. La opinion,
    2. Korean news,
    3. Press Telegram,
    4. Daily Breeze,
    5. LA Times,
    6. Downtown News.
    7. Wall Street Journal,
    8. and the Grunion Gazzette.
    9. Plus few out of Rosssmoor/Seal Beach