HONORED: (l-r) Holding certificates, Kelley Roberts, Jr.; Jeff Shadic; Jason Redfox; Downey Mayor and City Council and the Downey Rose Float Association Members. Photo by Tammye McDuff.
By Tammye McDuff
The Downey Rose Float Association [DRFA] has been participating in the Pasadena Rose Parade since 1913, winning their first award as fourth place in 1920. The group incorporated in 1954 and has continuously participated in the parade each New Years Day thereafter. The DRFA has won 11 Founders Awards, two Lathrop K. Leishman trophies’ and a Volunteers award. Downey is classified as a ‘self-built’ entry. This exclusive classification is one of six floats that is entirely built, decorated and financed by volunteers, making the float a real community endeavor.
The first 2015 Certificate of Recognition given by the new Downey City Council was awarded to Kelly Roberts Jr., Jeff Shadic and Jason Redfox of the DRFA. The 2014 subject of the Rose Parade was Inspiring Stories; the DRFA chose ‘Home for the Holidays’ as their theme. The Tournament of Roses awarded DRFA with the National Trophy for the best depiction of life in America … Past, Present and Future.
Mayor Luis Marquez introduced Roberts, Shadic and Redfox saying, “what makes’ Downey great are the many organizations that donate their time and efforts to making our City special.” Marquez continues, “one of those long standing and well respected organizations is the Downey Rose Float Association. There are very few cities that continue to have float in the parade, and we are proud to say that we still do.”
Mayor Pro-tem Alex Saab made commented, “this group has continuously submitted a float to the Tournament of roses. You can see them throughout the year fundraising at our summer concerts and the many events that we have in our City.”
The float must go through two inspections, the first was in November of 2014, to test the structure, engineering design and safety and the second was at December 31st at 7:30 am. This is the most important inspection because it is the day each float is visited by the official judges.
“Many residents and non residents participated in the building and decorating,” stated Saab. “But these three were the quarterbacks that got the job done.”
Roberts acknowledged all those who participated by saying, “I just want to say thank you to all the volunteers who came out to help us this year. Without your help and support we would not be able to submit a float each year. Your efforts during the year were greatly appreciated. I also want to thank my construction crew for putting up with me all year long!”
As an added recognition Aldo Ramirez from State Senator Tony Mendoza’s office presented a Certificate of Excellence to DRFA for winning the National Trophy.
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