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Jan. 30-Feb. 5 Hews Media Group-Community News eNewspaper

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  • Candidate Question for Posted Forum says:

    Candidate Questions:
    Forums: Feb 3, 9, 25, 2015. Public Invited, televised Chan 3.

    Over Decades public works are breached. What would the first breaches you would address the first month in office.
    Past 2 decades, CCPA running negatively, Do you support changes?
    3. Do you support Life Time Medical Insurance for CCC.?
    4. Do you support Diversity to Appointees, appoint via resume?
    5. Do you support Additional City Taxes for Sheriffs and Utility Tax?
    6. What is your position on the Cerritos Union employees and should the upper Mgmt pigtail union benefits?
    7. Do you support new Del Amo Bridge?
    8. Do you support Still no cheap water, or buy down to the Island Community of Cer, which use La Palma water at double Cerritos water rates?.
    9. Still horrid Shoemaker corridor, what would you do to correct?
    10. Trees are trespassing and damaging private property and C Warren Ins. runs and hides from the damage in claim processing & causing 15,500 residents to seek unnecessary litigation. What would you do to correct?
    11. Cerritos public owned meridian landscape is in shambles, worst looking on 50 Yrs. This is not want our Forefathers had a vision for. Do you support changes?
    12. What is your stance on the many vacated RDA projects?
    13. Are you in favor of converting the current sheriff department to police department?
    14. Do you support 100%Transparancy: TV Broadcasting to end back door deals: Community Safety committee |Let Freedom Ring Committee |CCPA Board of Directors?
    15. Do you support Dog Par?.
    16. Do you support Artificial Turfgrass landscape?
    17. Do you support Public Vote for Overnight parking ordinance?
    18. Mullikan Medical Museum has been vacant for more than 2 decades, plus the 166th Corporate Holdings have been partially vacant for more then decade. Both were owned by RDA, any thoughts?
    19. Over decade the corporate holdings on 166th St are vacant, what do you suggest?
    20. What would you do to work with state audits pertaining to the dissolved RDA?
    21. Each yr, annual budget is in $5M-$10M in red ink, what would you do to cure?
    22. How are you armed to save the RDA foreclosures in city and state?
    23. What major changes to the budget do you propose?
    24. What 911 measures do you propose to aid 90703 and Measure AA bond failures? Do you feel the city should start a review board of holdings in 90703, in order to submit to ABC, when the district drafts new bond proposals?
    25. In order to aid budget, would you work for free your elected 4 yrs?

    1. Manny Maninder Sethi | Occupation: Businessman | [email protected]
    2. Mark E. Pulido |Occupation: Councilmember, City of Cerritos | [email protected]
    3. James Kang | Occupation: Businessman | [email protected]
    4. Naresh Solanki | Occupation: Business Owner | [email protected]
    5. Jim Edwards | Occupation: Retired Educator/Administrator | [email protected]
    6. Sophia Tse | Occupation: Nurse Practitioner/Educator | [email protected]
    7. Sam Sultan Ahmad | Occupation: Local Businessman | [email protected]
    8. Grace Hu |Occupation: Business Owner | [email protected]
    9. Frank Aurelio Yokoyama | Occupation: Attorney/Broker | [email protected]
    10. Chuong Vo | Occupation: Police Officer | [email protected]

    • PTA says:

      Hope these forms are not too over censored, the public is tired of questions not reaching all the candidates. Plus hope the nine chairs are not divided into two discussion groups, which has happened in the past. Forums are great, but not happy camper of the particular protocols for censorship!