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Cerritos Official Election Results

By Brian Hews

The Cerritos City Clerk announced the official results of the City Council election today which will be certified at the next City Council meeting.

As of 11:30 election night, incumbent Mark Pulido tallied 3,417 votes, Jim Edwards 3,053, Naresh Solanki 2,533, Frank Yokoyama 2,472, Grace Hu 2,437, Chuong Vo 1,732, Sophia Tse 1,597, Sultan Sam Ahmed 511.

Final vote tallies registered as follows:

Pulido 3,997
Edwards 3,459
Solanki 2,949
Yokoyama 2,922
Hu 2,839
Vo 2,092
Tse 1,973
Ahmed 602

Measure A was approved 5,255 to 2,209.

Final campaign statements do not have to be filed until the end of July 2015, but total mount spent by all candidates was an astonishing $174,000. If the total Measure A vote is used as the sum of all votes cast in Cerritos, cost per vote was over $22 per resident.

  • Rock the Vote says:

    Also, if measure A is used as a sum of all votes cast Mark Pulido is the only legitimate winner. He is the only candidate to receive over 50% of the vote.

    Edwards after serving 8 years on city council and 20 plus years overall is not acceptable to the majority of voters.

    I would not be surprised if the votes putting Solanki ahead of Yokoyama are tainted.

    How many ballots were cast and how many ballots were counted? Were more ballots counted than casts?

  • Sharon - Emerald Villa Senior says:

    Council of shame, $$$ spent for Bed Tax and election of 3 new council member; but, did not televise on Chan 3 for March 10th, 2014. Same sh….t; council keeps voters incarcerated.

    40% of Council are retired dead beets, and not-in-tune, with communications reality. Edwards-Ray, give it up.

  • Harry & Violet says:

    Candidate Vo, typical public servant employee mentality; this is the exact reason, most police departments are loosers and crime is on the up up.

    Vo is product of the wind beneath the wings of thugs. He fell for puppet cords off realtor Carol Chen Prudential Realty agents.

    Realtor Grace Hu spent thousands of Chinese money; to contract for more buyers-sellers towards Remax.

    Residents of Cerritos, are tired of the free press between Remax –vs-Prudential. Both bitches: Carol and Grace are manipulating public voters and sale contracts, right in to their bottomless purses.

    Thank God, escrow crook Hu lost again, again and again.