Below is a statement from Brian D’Arcy regarding the State Legislative Audit Report on DWP’s Billing System:
“The state audit report reconfirms concerns that I raised in November 2013. This project was an epic failure. Former General Manager Ron Nichols and his management team failed in implementing one of the Department’s critical projects and jeopardized almost $1 billion in revenue while creating a hostile work environment for the hard working employees of DWP. It is unfathomable that Southern California Edison has rewarded Nichols with a multi-million dollar compensation package. The people of LA deserve better.”
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Brian D’Arcy, always the entertaining H2O Union bully, and DWP (continue
to come up with brilliant ideas like pipe-breaking watering days…),
are actually right when stating that the people of LA deserve better!
Imagine when/ if the City of Artesia gets involved in the water business
(with some of their brilliant ideas like narrowing Pioneer Blvd…), I predict
we’ll be saying that the people of Artesia deserve better!