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Mar. 27-Apr. 2 Hews Media Group-Community News eNewspaper

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  • Liberty Park area says:


    Cerritos crime seems to be increasing. Is this the end result of the new sheriff’s captain? Why isn’t the community safety meetings televised, in order to educate the public in regards to these crimes? Where is the city’s transparency for this committee?

    Residents need to stop employing day laborers for domestics and handyman jobs, as the only expose neighborhoods and make them more vulnerable to criminals.

    Our local buses are full of illegal immigrants working Cerritos-La Palma –Artesia wealthiest homefronts.

    Wish Ret. Dr Cho meet greet picnics were held, great way of meeting our fellow friends and residents.

    • Shoemaker Res. says:

      Cerritos residents need to stop parking their cars in the driveway and stop showing off their Mercedes-BMW-Lexus.

      City needs to trim trees so street lights can do their job and trim trees away from homes, as the trees are ladders to heaven.

      Day/Night, tree have overgrown the streetscapes.

  • High School Teacher says:

    Times are sure changing . This week’s LCCN newspaper has article on woman of the year, Cerrritos junior college president/ lesbian. Years ago this would not have been written nor tolerated. Interesting!!

    Now local junior college has both a gay and lesbian board members, so the president of the college and former Ret. Mayor of Cerritos had to resigned as embarrassed. What is this saying about our past elected, espec republican party at large?

    Now the Cerrritos Park and Recreation finally has a known bi- sexual commissioner, things are changing for the good.

    City of Long Beach, has first Latino- Male Gay Mayor and city of Laguna has it first Lesbian Police Captain.

    City is enjoying input from another factor of life.

  • Gert and Norm says:

    New Cerrritos Orchard store.

    Hi all, my wife Gertrude and myself, were shocked at this new Ochard store. It is nothing compared to Long Beach’s Lowes/ Towne center location nor the Yorba Linda Home Depot.. Hello, mall needs restaurant too. No places to park and lock our bikes out in front neither.

    We would prefer shopping at the Yorba Linda Home Depot, as it has a huge lumbar department, a lot of appliances ( more then Pacific Sales) vvvvvvast display in the garden section, and most important to us, a huge patio collection.

    This new Orchard store does not even have its own credit card. It will not last long. Carol Chen and Mark Pulido, this store is nothing like you bragged about at the council meeting!!!!

    My wife said something, many TV stations are reporting on new Ikeas, why do Cerritos have to travel to Ikea in Burbank or South Coast metro?

    Why did all of the Steak Houses run away to Lakewood and Buena Park, still hungry for good old fashion COW steak eatery????

    Gert and Norm (Local Cerritos)

    • Philip says:

      Great night lighting in the parking lot at bowling Center. Now don’t have to turn on the bathroom lights to pee. My wife says great security for the surrounding homes for free. Like the remodel.

    • Fire Fire says:

      All that wild n dry grass plants out in the perimeter parking lot, will all burn this fall, when we get blast of santa ana winds. Hope Cerritos Fire department has allot of engines to put out the grass fires in that new centers parking lot. What were they thinking anyway(???)

      Wasn’t one of the Planning Commissioners, Cerritos Mr. Vo, from police department, dont they help fire departments, espec common sense grass fires? Just wait, for parked car emissions unit catch the parking lot grass on fire.

      Hey Gert and Norm, maybe you can shop for free, when they have a fire sale this fall? No need for credit cards (LOL)

    • Banker says:

      Yorba Linda sales tax is much cheaper, when purchasing hi end sales. This is one of the reasons, furniture stores moved across the county line, sales tax is 1-2% cheaper in Orange County.

      Orchards-Pacific Sales should of chosen La Palma, in order to boost sales and enjoy cheaper Sales Tax.

      Rossmoor Center is bringing in big dollar sales, over both Malls in Cerritos, again, Rossmmoor is in OC, cheaper sales tax.

  • Peggy Hair Spray Queen- Ford Galaxy says:


    Great Memory edition about the ABC anniversary. Bravo.

    Can you tell us all the names and photos of the original students, and where they’re living, and who attended the party? I really wonder how many are still living anymore?

    Be great if the fluff from the ABC bash could be extended to the Cerritos Spring Festival in April 2015, brings back so many good memories.

    Wish ABC had a web site, so us orig. classmates could sign in, maybe use your facebook could be publish for this 50th Edition..

    1960 Ford Galaxy Coupe