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Bellflower Mayoral Transition Held at Green Room

Council members speak at the podium to praise the leadership of Sonny Santa Ines.

Council members speak at the podium to praise the leadership of Sonny Santa Ines.

By Tammye McDuff

The city of Bellflower extended congratulations and kudos’ to Sonny Santa Ines for serving successfully as Mayor for his 2014-2015 terms. Current Mayor Scott Larsen said, “today we honor your unwavering commitment, great wisdom and outstanding leadership, during a year of exciting development.”

The ceremony was held in the Green Room of Bellflower City Hall. Many of the surrounding Mayors, City Council members and local officials came to congratulate and bestow good wishes upon a job well done.

Santa Ines took the podium saying that he wanted to thank his Mother and Father, even though both could not be present; it was his parents that started him in his career at the age of nine, “this is a great country, and I know that they would be proud for me tonight, seeing me as a public servant for this city”.

Santa Ines thanked all the City staff, directors and commissioners by name for the support that was given to him his election into office four years ago.  “On our city council, even though we come from different backgrounds with different ideas, we all have the same goal – our city. In the end the city should be very proud that we are in this together. It is like we are rowing a boat. And everyone is rowing in the same direction.”

Santa Ines continued, “I have been on the council for four years and two months, during those years we have only had 3-to-2 votes three times. I can assure the city those decisions were very agonizing.  At the end of all the discussions, each stating their position and all the rulings that we have to vote yes or no, I have come to the conclusion each one of us voted with our hearts. The residents of this city are better off because of these decisions.”  He goes on to state that he has been to other council meetings where, there was not only a lack of decorum, but utter disrespect for each other, “our residents should be very proud of us. Yes, we disagree, but once the vote has been cast, we move on and move forward. I believe our personal egos were much smaller than what was good for the City”.

“Thank you city of Bellflower and let me assure you, it is not as important to us as to which mayor starts or finishes a project, rather, it is that all of us work together to see projects are completed on time and within budget,” notes Santa Ines.

Larsen closed the ceremony saying, “Sonny, we are proud to call you our friend and colleague and look forward to new developments as our community continues to flourish. We thank you for all your hard work and experience, as you lead us into a positive direction making Bellflower the best city it can be.”