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September 18-24, 2015 Hews Media Group-Community News eNewspaper

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  • Cerritos Cycling says:

    The Cerritos City Council has approved a plan to host a community cycling event to promote awareness of the health and environmental benefits of biking.
    After much interest was expressed by local cycling clubs and biking organizations, the City reached out to world-class cyclist Tony Cruz for insight on organizing a community ride event. Cruz is a former U.S. Olympian and European/domestic professional cyclist who was instrumental in developing the popular Tour of Long Beach annual bike ride.
    The City of Cerritos’ inaugural bike event is expected to be held Saturday, October 3. It will include a 5-mile bike ride on a closed course for children and families; a 17-mile bike ride; and 30-mile and half-century unsupported bike rides. Food vendors, bike vendors and displays, local entertainment and children’s activities are planned for the post-bike ride event at the Cerritos Sports Complex.
    Funding for the event will come from the non-general fund resources and transit funds that promote alternative means of transportation.

  • City Wide Pride says:

    Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015, 6:00pm, Cerritos Property Preservation Commission, is holding a special meeting to discuss the future plans for developing or vacating the citywide pride. This special public meeting will be held at the sheriff’s station. Public is invited for input and to vent issues and ideas.

    Unfortunately, this will be non-televised, so the public will not know of the particulars.