By Brian Hews
An examination of official campaign documents, dated Jul. 1 to Sept. 19, 2015 obtained by Hews Media Group-Community News, has revealed that current Montebello Mayor Jack Hadjinian failed to correctly report $12,000 in donations that could result in $35,000 in fines from the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC).
Montebello Council Candidate Vanessa Delgado, who Hadjinian is endorsing, is also in violation, failing to report $4,500 in donations that could result in fines totaling $15,000.
In 2012, the Political Reform Act was amended to expand the period in which committees must file immediate disclosure reports.
By 2013, the FPPC required committees, such as Hadjinian’s and Delgado’s, to file a 24-hour contribution report, a Form 497, if the committee received $1,000 or more in a single donation within 90 days before an election.
This year’s election is Nov. 3, 2015 dictating that any $1,000 donation after Aug. 3 must be reported within 24 hours.
An examination of the Hadjinian’s campaign contribution reports show seven $1,000 donations after Sept. 8, 2015.
When asked, the Montebello City Clerk’s office indicated that no other forms, including 24-hour late contribution reports, had been filed by Hadjinian or Delgado’s campaign.
On Sept. 8, Hadjinian reported 6 donations: $1,000 from Isponsor based out of Newport Beach; $1,000 from Joanne Lee an “Executive” at Sherwood Associates; an additional $2,000 from Sherwood Associates; $2,500 from The Beauty Lounge in Pasadena; $2,500 from Derrik Kien Ung; and $1,000 from US Assets, based out of Santa Ana.
On Sept. 19, the California Real Estate Political Action Committee based out of Los Angeles donated $1,000.
All seven donations were within the 90-day late contribution-reporting period but Hadjinian did not file the reports. Each violation can carry a maximum fine of $5,000.
Hadjinian also received a $1,600 “in-kind” donation from Phil Pace who owns several properties in Montebello. Pace has development projects in Montebello awaiting approval from City Council.
Vanessa Delgado, who is endorsed by Hadjinian, failed to report three donations of $1,000 or more. The donations were related to Primstor, the development company she works at.
$1,000 was donated by Santa Fe Springs based L.A.R.D. Investments; $1,000 was donated by Delaware Pacific based out of Pasadena; and the Laborer’s Local 300 donated $2,500. All three were within the 90-day reporting period and each violation carries a maximum fine of $5,000.
Further examination of the campaign documents show Hadjinian and Delgado using many of the same companies for their campaign, including the same graphics design company.
Noendzmedia, owned by Joe Perez, received $13,400 in the 11 weeks covering the report; $4,200 from Hadjinian and $9,200 from Delgado.
Sources are telling HMG-CN that Perez is affiliated with ex-Bell Gardens Councilman Mario Beltran who is helping Hadjinian with his campaign.
In 2009, Beltran was accused by prosecutors of misusing campaign funds, including a contribution from Calderon, to pay for his legal defense in a 2006 criminal case.
Beltran pleaded guilty to four charges, including failing to file campaign disclosure forms. He was sentenced to four years’ probation.
As a result of a plea agreement, a judge dismissed seven counts of grand theft but banned Beltran from office for four years. Beltran then resigned from the Bell Gardens City Council.
Bell City Councilman Nestor Valencia told the Los Angeles Times in 2013 that, “We know Mario Beltran, it would be highly improper to have anyone hire him, considering his history in our community.”
Beltran was also convicted of filing a false police report in 2013, telling police he was mugged at a hotel.
It was found Beltran lied to the police about the entire situation.
Sources tell HMG-CN that Beltran had solicited a prostitute then refused to pay her.
The two got into a scuffle and Beltran dropped his wallet and cellphone and fled. The woman said she grabbed the wallet and phone and later turned them in to police and filed a report.
Beltran later worked for State Senator Ron Calderon who is under indictment for bribery and money laundering and is the brother of Tom Calderon, who is under similar indictments.
It was exclusively reported by HMG-CN that Council candidate Vanessa Delgado bought her current home from Tom Calderon.
In emails to HMG-CN, Delgado first denied that she knew Calderon owned the house. After HMG-CN pointed out inaccuracies in her email responses, Delgado finally admitted she knew Calderon had owned the house.
Calls and email into Hadjinian and Delgado went unreturned.
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Was this guy a democreep or republican? My guess is democreep! Why.. if he was conservative it would have been FRONT page news and in the FIRST sentence of any story!! Ok am I right or wrong?
This implication of corruption is exactly why Citizens for Open Public Participation (COPP), an incorrect name was given in the last article, was formed. We want elected officials and candidates to honestly connect with us, the local citizens/voters, and reveal who is giving them money so we can monitor how it is influencing their votes. It seems obvious that the Mr. Hadjinian and Ms Delgado realize that they have many temptations to vote in favor of corporations and entities and individuals outside of the Montebello, and so are lax in following the rules. An example of that is voting in favor of the ill-conceived proposal to flatten the last remaining namesake hills of Montebello to let a mega oil corporation make even more profits from a condo project, extensively and expensively promoted by a Newport Beach real estate corporation, An other City Council member, also a candidate, may have fallen into the same pattern. Keep up the good reporting and let’s all push for and become Citizens for Open Public Participation.