Lynda Johnson took monthly check from the District while voting against an increase in teacher salaries. During that time she also took $157,000 in benefits from her employer, the L.A. County District Attorney.
By Brian Hews
A public records request under the Freedom of Information Act by Hews Media Group-Community News has revealed that current ABCUSD Board Member Lynda Johnson has taken over $7,500 in “cash in lieu” payments since her election to the ABC Board.
Cash in lieu is a duplicitous way for Johnson to receive a check every month from the cash-strapped district “in lieu” of health insurance.
Every year Johnson declines health insurance coverage from the ABC, then instead of giving the money back to the ABCUSD, she accepts a check for the amount of coverage.
Upon learning that HMG-CN had a public records request, Johnson declared during the board meeting two weeks ago that she would “donate her cash payments.”
Johnson is the only board member to take cash in lieu payments since 2013.
Took Benefits From Employer
Johnson, who works for the L.A. County District Attorney’s Compton office as a paralegal, also took hefty benefits from L.A. County while taking the check from the ABCUSD.
According to Transparent California, Johnson received benefits totaling $157,000 from 2011-2015.
Johnson received $37,000 in 2015, $32,000 in 2014, $37,000 in 2013, $24,000 in 2012, and $27,000 in 2011.
The revelation that Johnson accepted checks comes after Johnson questioned and accused ABC nutrition employees of stealing money from cafeteria purchases.
“I want to hire another person to watch them count the money, and install a surveillance camera,” Johnson said at a recent meeting.
When asked, the District said they “never had a problem with receipts.”
Johnson is also well-known for her statements against increasing teacher salaries while voting to spend money on “shade structures” in various schools.
Johnson’s “Vendetta” for Being Passed Over as President
Johnson has been very vocal the past few months, with sources telling HMG-CN that she has “never got over” the Board passing her over and nominating Maynard Law as President.
Sources told HMG-CN that Johnson’s opposition to Measure AA and her alignment with Cerritos Councilwoman Carol Chen, who also opposed Measure AA, severely hurt her chance to be President of the Board.
ABCUSD Board Elects Officers, Vice President Lynda Johnson Snubbed
During the next few months, Johnson was accused of using “petty tactics” and having a “vendetta” against ABC Board Members and ABCFT union employees.
Johnson tried to block one long time teacher from his appointment to a voluntary committee position.
ABCUSD Board Member Lynda Johnson Tried to Block Union Appointee Gavin Riley
After the meeting, Johnson got into a one-sided verbal confrontation with Board VP Chris Apodaca.
Witnesses told HMG-CN Johnson hurled several f*** bombs at Apodaca, but Johnson countered that a union member refuted the witnesses statements.
ABCUSD Board Member Lynda Johnson Confronts Fellow Board Member in Parking Lot After Meeting
HMG-CN later contacted two union employees, Gavin Riley and Richard Hathaway who were the only ABCFT employees at the meeting.
Both stated on the record that they were nowhere near the conversation and that no other union representatives were at the meeting.
Union Members Refute ABC Board Member Lynda Johnson’s Account of Argument With VP Apodaca
Then two weeks ago, HMG-CN exclusively reported that the Los Angeles District Attorney commenced an investigation of the ABCUSD for violations of the Brown Act.
One ABC Board Member told HMG-CN that the investigation “had Lynda Johnson’s finger prints all over it.”
Recall that Johnson works for the District Attorney.
Los Angeles County District Attorney Investigating ABCUSD Board
Just two weeks later the investigation was dropped.
HMG-CN Exclusive: District Attorney Will Drop Investigation of ABC School Board
HMG-CN has questioned Johnson several times, and she has not denied that she initiated the investigation.
After the ABCUSD learned the case was dropped, Superintendent Dr. Mary Sieu said, “I along with our attorney, board members, and many others were baffled that it even occurred, there was nothing there. ”
Dr. Sieu went on, “we are very disturbed that the complaint painted a picture of negativity around our award-winning district that has only had positive outcomes for our student, teachers and staff. ”
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Mr. Brian Hews;
It seems like your are in retaliation with Board member Lynda Johnson because she questioned and addressing the improper reporting of cash in the district’s cafeteria food sales? By the way, she has a basis for it because it was addressed by the independent
CPA’s Vavrineck and Trine, in their audited financial statements
report as important enough to bring attention to the Governing Board
of ABC which was ignored by the current board members except for Lynda Johnson. The auditors are also the one making the recommendation of installing a video monitoring device.
Toan Nguyen in response to the issue, made some disparaging comments against the independent auditor’s report. By the way, when I was a board member, this is already an issue I brought up
and the auditors public admitted, they did not look at the issue.
Now that they looked they confirmed my observation then. Why don’t you put into practice yourself ethical journalism. And by bringing this up to you, I am sure you will probably slander me now too, just like what you are doing with your competition news reporter, and Lynda Johnson. Why don’t look as well into the other board members getting all kinds of financial benefits they are getting from the district.
I also suggest that you start looking into the very minimal allotment
to each school sites because of the school district adminstration’s misdirecting funds.
…Groom and her business, ARG Industries, Inc. of Pomona, face an investors’ lawsuit arising out of a business deal gone sour. The investors are suing her for breach of contract, fraud and racketeering, among other charges.
I love how you call Brian unethical Cecy, his stories are always fact-filled and allows readers to make up their mind. Congrats Brian on exposing Johnson…
…But during the discussion, most of the board was pulled into a closed session after Groom’s remark. made an apparently racially charged remark toward fellow member Louise Dodson, who is black.
Sure is nice to see all the officials getting along with each other.. kinda replicates what is going on in DC but not so much Stinkramento, all the rats in the legislature are of a single party (demo creeps) and it is for all intents and purposes a dictatorship, there never are any reform ideas or anything to fix what is wrong in Sacto and locally now.. what a sad commentary on “local” politics! Is it any wonder why most of us are FED up with politics “as usual” and Trump is surging? Sounds like ABC Board members need a HUGE house cleaning! And toss out the trash……
People will do what you allow them to do.
It is therefore the responsibility of the media to report all issues that directly affect the honesty and integrity of elected and public servants. Honesty crosses all lines and political parties.
And for those of you praising Trump, look up the dictionary to learn what the truth is and not the lies that he claims are the truth.
If you believe a liar, what does that make you and how does that solve the problems of our Country?
The dignity, respect, honesty and integrity of our family values has been hijacked by a mentally disturbed egomaniac who is fooling you into believing that he alone will solve the Nation’s problems.
The truth is that the Republican party has already been hijacked by racist incompetent and dishonest politicians who have refused to work with the President at the expense of being unable to solve the real problems facing our Nation and have instead become nothing more than FAULT FINDERS.
The solution to all our problems, therefore, is the election of a Democratic government of PROBLEM SOLVERS,
We must elect Secretary Clinton to the White House and a democratic Congress, both the House and the Senate.
The truth be told!
Shameful. An estimated 4 million American school children under the age of 18 are without health insurance and this school board trustee takes $7,500 because, she already has a great healthcare policy, which is paid for by tax payers.
Linda John-scum, on behalf of the American school children without health insurance I hope you enjoy spending the money. It obviously means more to you than the health of our children.