We have a saying here in the newsroom, “you just can’t make this stuff up.”
Count the action of ABC Board Member Lynda Johnson – a.k.a. “Expletive” Johnson – at this week’s board meeting as one of those instances.
Johnson inexplicably “abstained” from supporting a non-binding board resolution in favor of Proposition 55, a proposition that will provide $27 million to the ABCUSD every year.
That’s right parents, teachers, staff, and residents of the ABCUSD, Johnson abstained from supporting $27 million in revenue to the ABCUSD.
The action is very suspicious given that a non-binding resolution is a written motion adopted by the Board that cannot progress into law. This type of resolution is often used to express the body’s approval or disapproval of something that they cannot otherwise vote on.
So why did Johnson abstain? More on that later.
Prop. 55 will extend Prop. 30, which was passed in 2012. That money went to increased instructional days, added technology, you know, things that enable students, teacher and staff to become a better school district.
Despite all that Johnson said, “I am not really comfortable with voting to support this resolution.”
The state analyst says Prop. 55 does not raise taxes. It will provide billions in funding to all state schools by keeping in place the tax on people making more than $250,000 per year, $500,000 per couple.
So now, let’s delve into why Johnson is “not really comfortable with voting to support this resolution.”
Carol Chen makes more than $250,000 and is actively endorsing Johnson’s run for Cerritos City Council in March 2017.
Yes, you read it here in print first; Johnson will be running for Cerritos City Council.
The abstention shows Johnson neglecting her fiduciary duty to the ABCUSD. She wants to run for Cerritos City Council and keep her friend Chen happy.
Remember how Johnson, who ran and won as a Democrat, scurried into Chen’s arms during the nasty battle to pass Bond Measure AA. The measure lost, thanks in part to Johnson’s efforts.
After the loss, Johnson was snubbed and not appointed President of the Board.
ABCUSD Board Elects Officers, Vice President Lynda Johnson Snubbed
That snub has turned Johnson into an angry and petulant board member ready to lash out at anyone who does not support her.
ABCUSD Board Member Lynda Johnson Tried to Block Union Appointee Gavin Riley
ABCUSD Board Member Lynda Johnson Confronts Fellow Board Member in Parking Lot After Meeting
Johnson always had a long-term plan to run for Cerritos City Council, the ABCUSD Board was just her stepping-stone. Abstaining from voting to support Prop. 55 secures her position with Chen.
And Johnson’s plan includes using Melinda Kimsey and her sham fish wrap newspaper. Great judgment Ms. Johnson.
Kimsey falsely accused a 4th grade teacher of pedophilia and sexual harassment, dragged him through court for two years, finally recanting her allegations days before the trial, paying over $20,000 in fines.
Cerritos Resident Melinda Kimsey Fined $20,000 for Falsely Accusing Teacher of Pedophilia
When I heard about Johnson running for City Council, I proposed this to other board members: if an ABC board member decides to run for an area City Council, he or she should resign their position.
You cannot serve two masters… as witnessed by Johnson’s abstention of $27 million in revenue for the ABCUSD in favor of Chen’s income tax bracket.
There are plenty of experienced former board members who will take the position until the next election. Celia Spitzer comes to mind.
Johnson attempted to cover her reasons for the abstention by pleading unfamiliarity saying, “I get that this board should support whatever educational needs our students require.
Whatever educational needs? What does that mean?
She went on, “but I also think as a board member the community looks to you for whatever resolution you do sign and I’m not really comfortable with this because it only came before us tonight. I am wondering why we didn’t discuss this prior to taking action.”
Yes Lynda and the community looks at you to be a public servant, not take $7,500 in cash for health benefits, as exclusively reported in HMG-CN a few weeks ago, instead of giving it back to the district.
An indignant (board member) Maynard Law said, “I disagree with Johnson. We as a board have talked about this ballot measure, it is nothing new, it did not spring up today. All of us have looked at and studied this. We should do everything we can to get this passed.”
Board member Tse chastised Johnson, “you vote either yes or no, either you are for the kids or you’re not.”
Many people and organizations are supporting Prop 55. A visit to their website shows hundreds of school districts, associations, and politicians supporting the measure including California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, two retired State Superintendents, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, and several other local area officials.
The Editors of the Sacramento Bee, the Fresno Bee and many others have endorsed Prop 55 too.
But Johnson abstained saying she wanted to “discuss the proposition because she was not really comfortable with voting to support this resolution.”
You just can’t make this stuff up.
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Why are you so angry with Johnson? Supporting the students and supporting monies for the classroom does not necessarily mean supporting more money for teachers! They have received all they lost and then some. Let’s start making priority 1 the students not the teachers and their wallets. If Johnson has finally come to her senses, so be it! It was the teachers UNION which put Johnson in office. Now that she doesn’t march to their drum they are going to get her out. Who on this board has the b***’s to do what is right for the students and oppose the so called “partner in education (UNION)?