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Lakewood’s Bolivar Park Outfitted With Innovative Reservoir System

Lakewood received special state funding that will fully pay for the innovative reservoir system, one of the first of its kind in the country.


By Tammye McDuff

Efforts to build an environmentally conscious water conservation project continues at Bolivar Park as work crews have been proceeding at full speed for several months now and are making considerable progress with the project expected to be finalized by March 2018.

When completed, Bolivar’s irrigation system will transition from using potable water to using non-potable storm water that is treated and pumped from a nearby flood control channel and then stored in the new reservoir beneath the park. The Bolivar system will also infiltrate water back down into the aquifer deep beneath Lakewood, replenishing groundwater supply.

Large mounds of dirt can be seen along the Del Amo Boulevard side of Bolivar Park marking where the huge 300-foot-long, 20-foot-deep reservoir will run under the existing park.

Lakewood received special state funding that will fully pay for the innovative system, one of the first of its kind. When completed, Bolivar Park will also receive all-new picnic shelters, an updated irrigation system, and new turf that will completely hide the reservoir underground.

During construction, most of Bolivar Park will remain open, including the ball fields, swimming pool, and two new playgrounds, which includes the 75-foot zipline.

The community pool opened full-time Saturday, June 17th and will remain open through September 4th.  Recreational swim sessions are daily from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., and 2:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.  For more information on pool activities and swim lessons at Bolivar and Mayfair parks visit www.lakewoodcity.org/aquatics.

“Family Friday Nights” will be held at McCormick Pool at Bolivar every Friday night from June 22nd through August 25th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Cost is $3.00 per person. Families can enjoy evening swim sessions with free entertainment. Proof of Lakewood residency required for all events.

For more information on any of the fun recreational opportunities in Lakewood, call the city recreation staff at 562-866-9771, extension 2408.

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