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Dear Editor:

Stop the GOP faux health care bill it is tax cut for the wealthy.

My Husband and I have benefited from ACA with help for pay for health care. If this bill is pass we will not be able to pay for health care because of preexisting problems.

I have diabetes, high blood press plus and my husband has had cancer plus we are both 61 years old. We have no deed but we are barely getting buy. I have never been scared living in USA but I am know and do not like what is happen to our country we are going backward not forward. Trump does not want to make America great or he would be working on better health care for all not tax cut for the rich like himself.

Beth Hogan


Dear Editor:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that last Thursday’s scheduled vote on the awful GOP health care bill would be postponed until after Independence Day.

That is because the GOP doesn’t have enough “yes” vote commitments from members of the party to bring this horrible bill to the Senate floor. The Senate plan is not a health care bill. It is a massive transfer of wealth from working people to Wall Street.Twenty-two million Americans would lose their insurance under the Senate bill.The Senate bill taxes working people’s health benefits while cutting taxes for millionaires and insurance companies. That’s just wrong.The Senate bill effectively destroys Medicaid—stripping health care from children, seniors and low-income Americans. Health insurance is more than a policy, it’s peace of mind. It’s knowing your family will be cared for and not having to worry about going broke when you get sick. That’s why I strongly oppose the Senate health care bill. The more I learn about it, the less I like. Robbing health care from millions of Americans to give yet another tax cut to the rich and powerful is just plain cruel. Our health care system needs to be improved—we all agree on that. But this bill would do exactly the opposite—for no other reason than greed. I urge Senator McConnell to vote no on the Senate health care bill. Please issue this letter on behalf of myself, union and labor federation. Furthermore, spread how devastating it would be to our society if this bill becomes a law.

Omani Gilliam

Buena Park

Dear Editor:

Stop Trumpcare!!

Health insurance is more than a policy, it’s peace of mind. It’s knowing your family will be cared for and not having to worry about going broke when you get sick. That’s why I strongly oppose the Senate health care bill. The more I learn about it, the less I like. Robbing health care from millions of Americans to give yet another tax cut to the rich and powerful is just plain cruel. Our health care system needs to be improved. We all agree on that. But this bill would do exactly the opposite—for no other reason than greed. I urge Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris to vote no on the Senate health care bill.

I’m a person with a mental disability. I’ve been on my parent’s insurance for while. The ACA saved more money and able to see a doctor when I need to. If Trumpcare passes in the senate, I will be unable to afford to see a doctor when I need to if I’m sick or injured.

Stephanie Greenwald

Long Beach

Dear Editor:

Trumpcare Is A Hood Robin (Robs From The Poor To Give To The Rich)

This bill, currently in the Senate, takes vital healthcare money from those who need it most, and transfers it to the rich and big companies by lowering their tax at the same time as healthcare costs are terribly increased ! This is a many times over failed Republican policy called “trickle down”. It’s never worked before, and won’t work this time either.

Roger Davis
