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Cerritos City Council opens “Thinking Money” exhibition


ABOVE: The Cerritos City Council held a ribbon cutting to celebrate the opening of the “Thinking Money” exhibition at the Cerritos Library. Rich “One” Cofinco, a successful local entrepreneur and artist who presented the opening program, joined the City Council for the event. Pictured from the left are City Councilmember Frank Aurelio Yokoyama, Mayor Grace Hu, Rich “One” Cofinco and Mayor Pro Tem Mark E. Pulido. “Thinking Money” is designed to teach tweens, teens and the adults in their lives about money and is presented at the Cerritos Library through Saturday, October 7. “Thinking Money” was developed by the American Library Association Public Programs Office in collaboration with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, whose support made this exhibition possible.





“Thinking Money,” a museum-quality exhibition designed to teach tweens, teens and the adults in their lives about money, opened at the Cerritos Library on Wednesday, September 6 with a ribbon cutting by the Cerritos City Council and Rich “One” Cofinco. Cofinco is a pioneering artist and fashion industry innovator who presented a “Thinking Money” kick-off program about his successful career as a designer and entrepreneur.

Through an adventure-themed storyline, interactive iPad content and other fun activities, “Thinking Money” explores themes like wants vs. needs, preparing for a rainy/sunny day, imagining your future self and avoiding financial fraud. The exhibition is displayed on the first floor of the Cerritos Library, near the Craftsman area, until Saturday, October 7.

The public is also invited to attend programs planned in conjunction with the exhibition, including How to Buy a Car, a Community Shredding Event, Teen Finance 101, Fraud Prevention, Money Bingo for Kids, Cyber Security for Finance Workshop and Create Your Own Business for Teens. Detailed information about the programs is available on the Cerritos Library’s website at

“Thinking Money” was developed by the American Library Association Public Programs Office in collaboration with the FINRA Investor Education Foundation, whose support made this exhibition possible. Cerritos Library was one of 50 sites selected to host “Thinking Money,” out of more than 130 public libraries in the United States that applied for the opportunity. For more information about “Thinking Money,” call the Cerritos Library at (562) 916-1342.


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