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Cerritos – Senator Tony Mendoza (D-SD 32) today issued the following statement in anticipation of new Senate process:

“I welcome the Senate Rules Committee announcement earlier this week that it will install a new, independent outside legal team to handle all employee concerns.

I am hopeful that the recent unsubstantiated allegations in the media will be addressed fairly and transparently.

The current process has been opaque and unjust.

In my case, I was not even aware of any hint of any concerns. When I first heard about it from the media on November 6, 2017, I contacted the Senate Rules Committee (the Senate’s Human Resources department). I was shocked to learn that an allegation had been made by a terminated employee during a routine exit interview. Rules Committee directed me, verbally and in writing, to refer all inquiries from media to its staff as it was a personnel matter.

Senate Rules has not yet provided me any information about any allegation.

This is wrong as it has allowed innuendo, smears, and the settling of political scores in the media while I am constrained by the Rules Committee direction.

Therefore, I am pleased that the Senate has recognized that the current process is broken and needs to be fixed immediately.

I am committed to fully responding to any allegations through a fair and transparent process that will help restore the confidence that Californians demand from policy makers and policy institutions.

I can vouch for the fact that the Legislature can take action and successfully address even a hint of any concern.

In 2010, while serving in the Assembly, I was approached by the Assembly Rules Committee staff regarding one of my employees. I discussed the matter and made a strong commitment to correct any misunderstanding and reinforce my commitment to ensuring a friendly and professional atmosphere. The employee continued to successfully work in my office until I left the Assembly in 2012. The employee and I have had a friendly relationship since then where we have shared family, professional and personal matters in our subsequent, respective lives. As recently as last summer, I provided a recommendation letter for the former employee for a new job in academia. I was happy to do so.

This past Assembly experience gives me confidence that the Senate could also create and use a fair, equitable and transparent process to immediately address such matters.”