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Kellyanne Conway Facing Hatch Act Complaint from U.S. Special Counsel’s Office

Courtesy Washington Times.


The U.S. Special Counsel’s Office officially opened a case file on Wednesday after a Hatch Act complaint was filed against Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump.

Walter Shaub, former director of the Office of Government Ethics, filed a complaint against Mrs. Conway last week for comments she made about the Alabama Senate race.

“We have received your Hatch Act complaint and will open a case file to address this matter,” Ana Galindo-Marrone, chief of the Office of Special Counsel’s Hatch Act Unit, wrote in an email response to Mr. Shaub’s complaint, according to a tweet he posted.

 According to the Hatch Act, public officials cannot use their platform to promote or denigrate a political candidate.

Mrs. Conway made comments from the White House about Democratic nominee Doug Jones, saying if he wins the Senate seat in the Alabama special election, then tax reform could be in jeopardy. Mr. Shaub said since she was speaking from the White House, she was speaking in her official capacity as counselor to the president.

“I just want everybody to know Doug Jones, nobody ever says his name, and they pretend that he’s some kind of conservative Democrat in Alabama, and he’s not,” Mrs. Conway said in part.


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