By Brian Hews
In a long-awaited decision regarding the outcome of a new trash hauling contract for the city of Norwalk, the City Council this week rejected all proposals, voting to consider only two bids, one from CR&R and the other from Athens Services.
CR&R currently services parts of Norwalk with Republic serving other parts; Republic did not make the latest cut.
Other companies not making the list were CalMet, Commercial Waste Services, NASA, Ware Disposal, Inc., Waste Management, and Waste Resources, Inc.
The existing two exclusive areas will be combined into a single City-wide franchise. The term of the agreement is eight years beginning Aug. 1, 2018, with an option to extend the agreement for up to two additional years at the City’s sole discretion.
The reason Commercial Waste Services, NASA, Ware Disposal, Inc., and Waste Resources, Inc. did not meet the first level minimum eligibility criteria is because they did not service more than 21,000 single family residential in any single account.
Those that met the single family residential accounts threshold were further evaluated to determine if they also met the other three eligibility requirements.
Those requirements were financial capability, multiple franchise agreements for residential and commercial services, and long-term contracts with processing and disposal facilities.
After those requirements were met, the companies remaining were Athens, CalMet, CR&R, Republic Services, and Waste Management.
The City then looked at the minimum diversion rate which was made a mandatory part of the of newest bid process.
The City mandated a minimum diversion rate of 50%, analyzed the five remaining companies, and found that Athens and CR&R were the only companies who could meet the diversion minimum.
The contract now basically comes down to rates and charges to the City, with CR&R the clear leader, soundly beating Athens on rates and charges in all but one category.
In the Roll‐off‐commercial bin category, CR&R beat out Athens by 14.5%; Roll‐off ‐residential, CR&R was 19.37% cheaper; and in the Temporary Bin, CR&R was 13.73% cheaper.
In the all-important residential and senior residential rates, CR&R was 19.34% cheaper for residents and 19.36% cheaper for Senior 32-gallon bins.
Lastly, CR&R was nearly 9%, a massive $1,068,581 cheaper than Athens, in what the two companies charge the City.
CR&R also offered “enhancements” that Athens did not including: a comprehensive recycling program, upgraded residential bins with colored lids and signs, “Welcome to Norwalk” move-in bins, school bottle and can recycling fundraising programs, and Neighborhood Watch Programs.
Despite the superior proposal of CR&R, Council voted to push its’ decision to the next council meeting.
Hews Media Group-Community News spoke to Norwalk Mayor Luigi Vernola who said, “This has been a long process, but we are nearing the end. After all is said and done, the residents are my main concern, I am just trying to get the best deal possible for the city and our residents.”
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sucks no union low pay companys republic and wm are the best
They need to scratch this round and hire a qualified consultant to help them with this. Norwalk’s staff member, Adriana Figeroua is not qualified to do this work and there were numerous mistakes with her report.
Any way you look at it Norwalk residents are going to get screwed. The companies do not have to be union to provide good customer service. Having a union company will only help to drive up rates for residents.