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Los Angeles County Democratic Party Statement on President Trump’s First State of the Union Address

LOS ANGELES –  Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair Mark Gonzalez released the following statement on President Trump’s first State of the Union address:

“President Trump’s State of the Union address was just like any other time he pretended to be composed in front of Congress. His speech was full of generalizations and flat out lies designed to keep anyone who isn’t in the know to remain calm while he rips apart the foundations of our union.
“While Trump raved about how big the economy and stock market have gotten, he neglected to mention median wages are still stagnant and the working class is getting poorer while working harder than ever before. Americans are in a higher need of good paying jobs than ever. Speaking of an influx in imaginary industries like ‘clean coal’ does not help the fact that real programs are needed to raise Americans out of poverty, and Trump is cutting that possibility by cutting his friends’ taxes.
“Trump can beg and plead for a ‘bipartisan’ agreement on immigration all he wants, but as long as he and the GOP want to inhumanely deport DREAMers, they are simply delusional. While they think a wasteful border-wall will actually fix the illegal activity at the border and continue to lie about our immigration system, he and the rest of the GOP cannot be trusted with improving our immigration policies.
“It is sickening to hear Trump talk about foreign relations as if he’s done anything but harm them. He has no ground to stand on when talking about foreign affairs and diplomacy. He threatened to commit a nuclear holocaust, and now the Korean peace process moves along without the United States.
“The entire speech was loaded with platitudes and falsehoods. Trump can talk stability, control, and success all he wants, but his own malfeasance is on full display for any who pay attention. His White House is in constant turmoil, he can hardly pass a bill although his party controls congress, and his policies help his friends at the expense of the welfare of the American public.
“He is right about one thing: American resolve. Americans historically have stood up to hatred, bigotry, and despotism. They will in November of 2018, and they will in 2020.”