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California Based I/E Launches Statewide Campaign Opposing Embattled Asm. Cristina Garcia

A portion of the display advertisement published by Working Californians Against Corruption.


HMG-CN Staff Report

Cerritos, Ca. ~ Working Californians Against Corruption, a California based independent expenditure committee, has launched a scathing print and digital campaign opposing embattled Assembly woman Cristina Garcia in the upcoming election.

One of the leaders of the #MeToo movement, Garcia was accused of groping and sexual harassment  in February of this year and immediately took a voluntary leave of absence. She is under investigation by the Assembly Rules Committee for the violations.

Garcia has also been removed  from all committees and leadership positions pending the outcome of the investigation.

Shortly after leaving the Assembly, several additional accusations surfaced including Garcia asking staffers to play “Spin the Bottle” after a party, installing a “kegerator” in her office, and calling some legislators “homos.”

It was reported just this week that former Assembly Speaker John Perez reprimanded Garcia for her slurs against Asians.

One of the first volleys fired by the I/E  was a full-page print advertisement (at the end of this article) placed in Cerritos-based Hews Media Group-Community News slamming Garcia for her sexual harassment violations.

The advertisement compares Garcia to President Donald Trump and his now infamous recording on the Access Hollywood bus that caught Trump saying he grabbed women’s genitalia.

The advertisement has a picture of Garcia and President Donald Trump with a headline that proclaims, “It Used To Be An Honor To Be Compared To The President.”

Below the headline are several uncomplimentary headlines published by online news organization and major newspapers including HMG-CN, POLITICO, SLATE, Los Angeles Times, and ESQUIRE.

POLITICO: #MeToo lawmaker investigated for sexual misconduct;
HMG-CN: Asm. Garcia Took $7,000 for Hustler Publisher Larry Flynt;
LAT: Audio of Trump stunning, will it make voters flee?;
ESQUIRE: As of today, a vote for Trump is a vote for grabbing women’s p*ssy;
SLATE: Trump was recorded in 2005 grabbing woman by the p*ssy.

The ad is encouraging the use of hashtags for social media including #hypocrite and #timesup.

The I/E has set up a Facebook page at WorkingCaliforniansAgainstCorruption and also a Twitter account @corruptcristina.

Erin Lehane, spokesperson for the I/E told HMG-CN, “We are looking forward to informing the voters about what Cristina Garcia has been up to in Sacramento. We are certain Garcia’s egregious conduct does not reflect the values of the hard-working people of the 58th Assembly District.”


  • xian says:

    California used to be a great state to live in until Gov. Brown usurped all funds for inappropriate things. Plus NOT PROTECTING RIGHTS OF CITIZENS.MS-13 have become our sleazy neighbors. There’s more….