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Television Ad Slams Garcia for Sexual Harassment, Drinking, and Hypocrisy


Staff Report

Today, Working Californians Against Corruption released its first television ad titled “Inebriated.” This spot is part of a comprehensive campaign in the 58th Assembly District to remind voters of what Cristina Garcia has been up to in Sacramento.

Using a mash-up of local and national television coverage, the spot powerfully demonstrates some of the many weaknesses in Garcia’s candidacy.   The TV ad, coupled with a hard-hitting mail, print and digital campaign that highlights the egregious conduct Garcia has admitted to can be viewed here. 

Beyond the allegations of sexual harassment, Garcia had admitted to using homophobic slurs as well as racially based threats.  Working Californians Against Corruption plans to roll-out additional television ads in the upcoming week.

Garcia, who was quick to condemn other lawmakers who were accused of sexual misconduct in the Capitol, called for immediate resignations stating that “I refuse to work with … anyone who takes part in harassment or assault.”Garcia also asserted that alcohol could be no excuse for a lawmaker’s bad behavior and that “our public also expects us to hold ourselves to a higher standard.”

“This campaign is about holding our elected officials, namely Cristina Garcia, to a high standard, and a single standard. When we start to treat victims or perpetrators differently based on their gender, we have lost a far bigger battle then we can afford to lose” stated Erin Lehane, spokesperson for Working Californians Against Corruption.







  • Jas says:

    This election is going to be flat, low turnout. 90701-90703 ( Artesia-Cerritos) almost no campaign signs and no mailers. Locals and Trumpers are all more then exhausted of the corruption.

  • #NoMoreLosers says:

    It’s amazing Garcia made it this far while faking it. She accomplished zero while in the state legislature but also came into office having accomplished nothing either. Stupid and ignorant voters have so few qualified candidates to chose from that they actually voted for this perverted freak case. She only won office becasue voters had to choose between Tom Calderon and Luis Marquez, two complete and total losers. I’m even thinking of voting republican this time around.