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Man attacked by pitbull on Thornlake in Cerritos/Artesia

By Brian Hews

Hews Media Distribution Manager  Eddie Garcia was on his normal route when he spotted police activity on Thornlake.

Garcia learned that a man was attacked by a pitbull, medical services personnel were at the scene .

The man was bitten several times, as was the dog he was walking.

The man and his pitbull ran away but police told Garcia that they know who he is.

HMG will follow up when possible.

UPDATE: Residents who frequent Artesia Liquor on Carmenita and Artesia will know the victim.

He is frequently behind the counter serving store customers.

Anyone with information is asked to call the sheriff’s station.



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  • Jas says:

    If Cerritos residents want to purchase/ adopt a dog at either the Long Beach animal Shelter-Center, or Secca in Downey, majority of the animals up for adoption are pit bulls. Pitbulls are the new German Shepherd or poodles for the area. Pitbulls can be trained to go #1- #2 on residential toilets. A Pit bull owner showed me how to train dogs for inside toilets usage.