Hews Media Group-Community News has learned that “over 65%” of teachers and staff will boycott Cerritos High School graduation ceremonies due to one student who the groups says does not deserve to graduate.
According to ABC officials, the student has been a problem and was kicked out of ABC high schools finally landing at Tracy.
ABC does not, by policy, expel students.
The student and his mom subsequently negotiated a graduation agreement with ABC dictating guidelines the child needed to achieve to graduate.
The student reached those guidelines and could have graduated in November 2017, but decided to wait so he could “walk” with other students.
But the fact that the student reached his goals does not matter to the group boycotting the ceremonies.
The teachers and staff have been warned that it is required to attend the graduation and if they do not attend officials say “they will be written up” a reference to a written admonishment that will be placed in their employment file.
In usual manner in this social media world, many have taken to Fakebook to give their opinion, pro and con.
Teachers and staff have not protested other students in the past, HMG-CN confirmed that there have been several problem children graduating in the past without incident.
Sources told HMG-CN that since the child is half African American, he is getting treated unfairly.
The mother of the child wrote this:
“I am the mother of the student who is the subject of so much contoversy. I have refrained from speaking publicly about my child’s situation in order to preserve my child’s educational and health rights to privacy. However, this situation is out of control, so I feel the need to address what is going on because it is only fair to the CHS graduating class of 2018.
I will refrain from identifying my child and myself, in a desperate effort to preserve whatever is left of my child’s privacy. It is unfortunate that teachers and administrators who are supposed to protect my child’s privacy rights have publicly spoken about my child.
I have been involved with the City of Cerritos since birth. I am an alumni of ABC Unified School District. My office is located in the city and has so been since I opened it 12 years ago. I have given back to my community and have served my community for decades, in multiple capacities. Many of you know me as “coach” and others as “auntie” because I have a welcomed you on to one of the teams I coached or a team for which I was the team mom. I was the only coach in the city that required her teammates to do community service throughout the season. Many of you have come to my home to watch a game, hang out or ask me for advice because you know your conversations with me are kept confidential.
Approximately 5 years ago, my child was diagnosed with a health condition that affects his daily life. I turned to the community that I knew and loved so well for support. I advised teachers and administrstors of my child’s situation and spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars preparing for and attending meetings, so that my son would be afforded his constitutional right to an education, despite his health ailment.
Some teachers and administrators were supportive. However, many were not. It is unfortunate because I would expect a teacher to be especially supportive of a child who is successful, despite a health issue affecting the student’s daily life.
At the end of the day, my child, like many of you, spent numerous long nights studying for tests and doing homework. As the protesting, anonomyous teacher stated, my child earned the appropriate credits to graduate. In my opinion, along the way, many of the school adminstrators and teachers violated his rights to an education. My child started this school year at Cerritos with 3 AP courses but was forced to finish elsewhere. My child will not be attending a university next year because the school locked him out of his email for months, despite many requests to grant him access. The acceptance letters were addressed to that email. My child was barely given access last week, after several months of requesting access. The only thing that the district and I have agreed on regarding this situation is that my child deserves to graduate from Cerritos High School, even though my child attended elsewhere the last two months of school.
So class of 2018, I have a some words to see you out the door:
1. A wise man once said, “set your goals high, so if you don’t achieve them, you still succeeded”.
2. It is great to advocate and protest for what you believe in. However, unless disclosing your identity violates someone’s privacy rights (like in my situation), don’t be a coward and hide your identity. You do not know the names Martin Luther King, Jr. and Cesar Chavez because they were cowards that hid their identities. You know their names because they were men who attached their names to their opinions. They were okay with debating with those you disagreed with their opinions and welcomed such forums. It is unfortunate that rather than showing their support for you, some of your teachers will not attend, leaving many of you to be distracted with trying to figure out who is and is not there, rather than enjoying the graduation ceremony that you worked so hard to get to. Don’t let that happen because it is your moment.
3. If you are going to advocate and protest, contact the other side and invite them to share their position, so that the debate is meaningful. I heard about this protest through friends and family because I am not on social media. The decision as to my child’s graduation was made a few months ago and not one teacher or adminstrator has informed me that he/she is not in agreement with the outcome.
4. An opinion is only as valuable as the information it is based upon. Although my child’s privacy rights have been violated, very few people know all of the facts behind the circumstances. Those that know the most are in full agreement with the decision regarding graduation.
I wish you the greatest success Class of 2018. Congratualtions to each and every one of you, regardless to your position in this matter.
Many of us who grew up in the district appreciate and respect our education. However, many know that there are major issues that need to be addressed such as tolerence and bias. Thank you to the adminstrators and teachers who have been candid in recognizing the problems that this district has faced over the years. Please move forward and make a change for future generations.
Most importantly, a few words to my child. Statistically, a child who looses a father at a young age has less chance of graduating. Statistically, a child who suffers from your condition has less chance of graduating. However, you did not let life’s challenges stop you. YOU SUCCEEDED, YOU DID IT! Never let induviduals and their opinions interfere in your success. I will be at your graduation to show you my support and will continue to support you throughout life’s endeavors. I am proud of you and love you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
The ABCFT Union is backing ABC administration on this issue.
ABC Superintendent Dr. Mary Sieu told HMG-CN, “The District has followed proper procedures to permit a student who has completed all the required units to graduate at Cerritos HS with the Class of 2018. It’s unfortunate that there has been a great deal of misinformation circulating regarding this. Graduation is a special milestone for our students and we will recognize and celebrate with them this week.”
Below are comments from teacher and staff.
The graduation ceremony is tomorrow HMG-CN will update before and after the ceremony.
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What is a high school diploma even worth?
Let’s do some quick math, if you attended kindergarten that means it took 13-years to attain an diploma, then the night you graduate you are not worth more than minimum wage🤔
Does a high school diploma sound valuable and precious after knowing this?
It’s a worthless piece of paper, kids need to focus on the Top 2 subjects they’re passionate about and get their asses to work.
If he didn’t finish at CHS he shouldn’t graduate with CHS period.
Why was he expelled from CHS? That is very relevant to why teachers are so up in arms….conveniently not mentioned by parent!
This is nothing more than the ongoing silent/social war between Cerritos High School and Tracy High School, which has been going on for decades and decades. Would this same thing happen between Cerritos High School – Whitney?
Really wonder what is fake news or Twisted news coming out of ABCUSD, in the real world, we all must work together, and this is a prime example, the teachers and the students must work with all schools and stop this nonsense of being elitist.
None of this story tells me about which laws are being violated, or the contract terms of the expelling from CHS.
Gatorade story, almost lost my dime-store dentures laughing, how many times has urine been thrown around the country school campuses, and students still graduate and learn to be working as one. This sounds like a story which resonated & rolled out on the assembly line by the CHS parents. If the school district had a principal which knows about the United States and stop commingling with China, and beyond, this kind of nonsense would have never resonated to this level. Cerritos High School has and always will be very tribunal, and this warfare has been going on for decades, between the residents and the abandoned Agricultural Fields, which in its vacancy holding, is real blite to the city property owners.
Lessen to learn, residents please remember this incident when casting vote for School Mello Roos Bond.
Really feel sorry, for this student, whomever you are, this will be a lifelong blow, very tragic story to say the least for a public educational facility. Plus Cerritos has 2 educators as councilpersons, please never vote for anyone connected to our educational process, legislative laws state keep schools and local government separate.
I like how they threw in the race card for good measure!
Good. This should have happened for different reasons with the graduating class of 1998. As two of the yearbook staff took it upon themselves to “replace” two individuals in yearbook photos for most unique. Turns out a lot of the yearbook staff knew, at least after the fact. Do you know how many people would not have walked that year? Should never have gotten diplomas? CHS is a joke. It’s all politics to some of these people.